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  November 2007

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2007 Canadian Housing Observer

Canadian Housing Observer

The Canadian Housing Observer, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's flagship publication, presents a detailed annual review of housing conditions and trends in Canada and of the key factors behind them. The report is supplemented by online data resources accessible to anyone interested in exploring trends further or in conducting additional analyses of housing conditions.

The Observer is an important tool for identifying, addressing and monitoring Canadian housing trends and issues. It is an ideal resource for housing planners; researchers; policy developers; home builders; housing finance and real estate professionals; and municipal, provincial, and federal housing specialists.

Highlighting the State of Canada's Housing

The annual Housing Observer report examines the state of Canada's housing from a variety of perspectives, combining national coverage with provincial and metropolitan detail. The report discusses influences on housing demand, current market developments, housing finance, housing affordability, sustainable communities, and other topics.

The 2007 Canadian Housing Observer and previous editions are available in both print and PDF formats, free of charge:

Easier Access to Comprehensive Data on Canadian Housing

An extensive array of data supplements the analysis in the Observer report. These data provide additional coverage of local housing markets and of the housing conditions experienced by households across Canada. They are offered free of charge to those who wish to conduct their own investigations of housing trends and conditions.

Data resources comprise:

Data Tables provide, in Excel format, a wide range of housing data and related information covering all of Canada's major housing markets

Housing in Canada Online (HiCO) is an interactive tool for building custom tables and for analyzing data on housing conditions, including core housing need.

Housing Market Information provides access, in PDF format, to housing data collected by CMHC through its monthly and annual surveys, as well as to reports that provide analysis and forecasts.

CMHC provides funding for housing content on the Census of Canada and on Statistics Canada surveys. Statistics Canada information is used with the permission of Statistics Canada. Users are forbidden to copy and redisseminate data for commercial purposes, either in an original or modified form, without the express permission of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and, where applicable, Statistics Canada. More information on Statistics Canada data can be obtained from its Regional Offices, its Web site at, and its toll-free access number 1-800-263-1136.

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