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 Parliament of Canada
Date of Birth (yyyy.mm.dd): 1938.09.16
Place of Birth: Amos, Quebec, Canada
Occupation: Administrator, businessman, electrician
Political Affiliation:
Federal Political Experience
Years of Service: 1660 Days (4 years, 6 months, 17 days)
^ House of Commons
ConstituencyDate of Election (yyyy.mm.dd)Result
Abitibi, Quebec 1984.09.04 Defeated
Abitibi, Quebec 1980.02.18 Elected
^ Caucus
PartyTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Liberal Party of Canada 1980.04.14 - 1984.07.09
^ Parliamentary Functions
Parliamentary Secretary

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 1984.06.30 - 1984.07.09
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 1984.03.01 - 1984.06.29

^ Committees - House of Commons

Subcommittee on Sexually Abusive Broadcasting 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)


Special Committee on Indian Self-Government 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Subcommittee on the Northern Canada Power Commission 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)


Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 32nd Parl., 2nd Session
(1983.12.07 - 1984.07.09)
Standing Committee on Communications and Culture 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
Standing Committee on National Resources and Public Works 32nd Parl., 1st Session
(1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)

©Members photographs. The House of Commons holds the copyright on official photographs of Members, including those reproduced in composite photographs. Reproduction of the images is for non-commercial use only and images must be credited as House of Commons, following receipt of written permission. ^

© Library of Parliament