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Vol. 136, No. 16 — April 20, 2002




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-03279 is approved.

1. Permittee: Jack Cewe Ltd., British Columbia.

2. Type of Permit: To load or dispose of inert, inorganic geological matter.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from May 20, 2002, to May 19, 2003.

4. Loading Site(s): Treat Creek, Jervis Inlet, British Columbia: 49°49.00' N, 123°53.00' W.

5. Disposal Site(s): Malaspina Strait Disposal Site: 49°45.00' N, 124°27.00' W, at a depth of not less than 320 m.

The following position-fixing procedures must be followed to ensure disposal at the designated disposal site:

    (i) The vessel must call the Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre (MCTS) upon departure from the loading site and inform the MCTS that it is heading for a disposal site;
    (ii) Upon arrival at a disposal site and prior to disposal, the vessel must again call the MCTS to confirm its position. Disposal can proceed if the vessel is on the designated site. If the vessel is not within the disposal site boundaries, the traffic regulator will advise the bearing and distance to the site and advise when disposal can proceed; and
    (iii) The vessel must inform the MCTS when disposal has been completed prior to leaving the disposal site.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Direct.

7. Method of Loading and Disposal: Loading with conveyor belts or trucks and disposal by bottom dump scow or end dumping.

8. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

9. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 10 000 m3.

10. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Excavated material consisting of clay, silt, sand and gravel. All other debris is to be segregated for disposal by methods other than ocean disposal.

11. Requirements and Restrictions:

11.1. The Permittee must notify the permit issuing office before commencement of the project as to the dates on which the loading and ocean disposal will occur.

11.2. The Permittee must ensure that all contractors involved in the loading or disposal activity for which the permit is issued are made aware of any restrictions or conditions identified in the permit and of the possible consequences of any violation of these conditions. A copy of the permit and the letter of transmittal must be displayed at the loading site and carried on all towing vessels and loading platforms or equipment involved in disposal at sea activities.

11.3. The fee prescribed by the Ocean Dumping Permit Fee Regulations (Site Monitoring) shall be paid by the Permittee in accordance with those Regulations.

11.4. Contact must be made with the Canadian Coast Guard, Regional Marine Information Centre, regarding the issuance of a "Notice to Shipping." The Permittee should contact the Regional Marine Information Centre, 2380-555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5G3, (604) 666-6012 (Telephone), (604) 666-8453 (Facsimile), (Electronic mail).

11.5. Any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, shall be permitted to mount an electronic tracking device on any vessel that is engaged in the disposal at sea activities authorized by this permit. The Permittee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure there is no tampering with the tracking device and no interference with its operation. The tracking device shall be removed only by an enforcement officer or by a person with the written consent of an enforcement officer.

11.6. The Permittee must submit to the Regional Director, Environmental Protection Branch, within 30 days of the expiry of the permit, a list of all work completed pursuant to the permit, including the nature and quantity of material disposed of and the dates on which the activity occurred.

Environmental Protection
Pacific and Yukon Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-04247 is approved.

1. Permittee: Les Pêcheries Norpro 2000 Ltée., Havre-Aubert, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from May 22, 2002, to May 21, 2003.

4. Loading Site(s): Havre-Aubert wharf: 47°14.20' N, 61°49.60' W (NAD83).

5. Disposal Site(s): Within a one-km radius of the geographic point 47°17.00' N, 61°49.00' W (NAD83).

6. Route to Disposal Site: Direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site. The disposal site is situated approximately 5.6 km to the north of the Havre-Aubert wharf.

7. Equipment: Towed scow.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of will be placed in the towed scow and discharged directly into the sea within the perimeter indicated in paragraph 5.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 1 500 tonnes.

11. Waste or Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee report, in writing, to the Regional Director, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, Quebec Region, 105 McGill Street, 4th Floor, Montréal (Quebec) H2Y 2E7, (514) 283-4423 (Facsimile), (Electronic mail), at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first disposal operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to the Regional Director, identified in paragraph 12.1., within 30 days of the expiry of the permit. This report shall include the Registry of Disposal at Sea Operations identified in paragraph 12.5., and shall contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit, the equipment used and the dates on which the disposal and loading activities occurred.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, aircraft, platform or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. A copy of this permit must, at all times, be kept on board any vessel involved with the disposal operations.

12.5. The Permittee must complete the Registry of Disposal at Sea Operations as provided by the Department of the Environment. This registry must, at all times, be kept on board any vessel involved with the disposal operations and be accessible to enforcement officers designated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

12.6. The loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit shall not be carried out without authorization from the Permittee.

12.7. The barge or containers to transport the material to be disposed of must be covered in a manner to prevent access by gulls and other sea-birds.

12.8. The loading must be completed in a manner that ensures no material contaminates the marine environment, notably the harbour and adjacent beaches. The Permittee must also ensure that the loading sites are cleaned up and, if necessary, that spilled wastes are recovered.

Environmental Protection
Quebec Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06152 is approved.

1. Permittee: Department of Public Works and Government Services, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of dredged material.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from June 1, 2002, to May 31, 2003.

4. Loading Site(s): Site 1: 45°44.69' N, 62°41.07' W (NAD83); Site 2: 45°44.99' N, 62°40.67' W (NAD83); Site 3: 45°45.07' N, 62°40.36' W (NAD83); and Site 4: 45°45.12' N, 62°40.07' W (NAD83). Caribou Channel, approaches and entrance channel as described in the Dredge Map in Appendix A of the permit application.

5. Disposal Site(s): 45°45.33' N, 62°38.93' W (NAD27). Previously used site north of Doctor's Island, as described in the Location Map in Appendix B of the permit application.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Most direct route between the dredge site and the disposal site.

7. Equipment: Clamshell or bucket dredge and towed or self-propelled barges.

8. Method of Disposal: All disposal shall occur in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan required by paragraph 12.7. of this permit.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 30 000 m3 place measure.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Dredged material consisting of sand and silty sand.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee notify in writing, by facsimile or electronic mail, Mr. Clark Wiseman, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, Atlantic Region, Queen Square, 16th Floor, 45 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6, (902) 426-7924 (Facsimile), clarke. (Electronic mail), at least 48 hours prior to each occasion that dredging equipment is mobilized to the loading site. The notification shall include the equipment to be used, contractor, contact for the contractor and expected period of dredging.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Clark Wiseman, identified in paragraph 12.1., within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity of material disposed of and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred for each site.

12.3. The fee prescribed by the Ocean Dumping Permit Fee Regulations (Site Monitoring) shall be paid by the Permittee in accordance with those Regulations. Proof of payment of the remaining balance of $7,050 shall be submitted to Mr. Victor Li, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, Atlantic Region, Queen Square, 4th Floor, 45 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6, (902) 490-0705 (Facsimile), prior to December 4, 2002.

12.4. Procedures to accurately measure or estimate quantities of dredged material disposed of at each disposal site shall be submitted to Mr. Victor Li, identified in paragraph 12.3. The procedures shall be approved by the Department of the Environment prior to the commencement of the first dredging operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.5. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, aircraft, platform or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.6. The Permittee shall notify, in writing, Mr. Charles McInnis, in the Antigonish Office of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, (506) 395-7713 (Telephone), at least 48 hours prior to each occasion that dredging equipment is mobilized to the loading site.

12.7. An Environmental Management Plan designed to address concerns relating to navigation, disposal and spill prevention and response shall be submitted to Mr. Victor Li, identified in paragraph 12.3. The plan shall be approved by the Department of the Environment prior to the commencement of the first dredging operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.8. A copy of this permit and documents and drawings referenced in this permit shall be available on-site at all times when dredging operations are underway.

12.9. The dredging and disposal at sea authorized by this permit shall only be carried out by the Permittee or by any person with written approval from the Permittee. Within 24 hours of authorizing approval to another person to conduct the dredging and disposal authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall submit by facsimile to Mr. Clark Wiseman, identified in paragraph 12.1., a copy of the written approval.

12.10. Dredging will commence after the lobster season.

Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06157 is approved.

1. Permittee: St. Anthony Seafoods Limited Partnership, St. Anthony, Newfoundland and Labrador.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from May 20, 2002, to May 19, 2003.

4. Loading Site(s): 51°21.71' N, 55°34.41' W, St. Anthony, Newfoundland and Labrador.

5. Disposal Site(s): 51°21.49' N, 55°32.28' W, at an approximate depth of 80 m.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Most direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site.

7. Equipment: Vessels, barges or other floating equipment complying with all applicable rules regarding safety and navigation and capable of containing all waste cargo during loading and transit to the approved disposal site.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of shall be discharged from the equipment or vessel while steaming within 300 m of the approved disposal site. Disposal will take place in a manner which will promote the greatest degree of dispersion. All vessels will operate at maximum safe speed while discharging offal.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 2 000 tonnes.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee report, in writing, to Mr. Rick Wadman, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, 6 Bruce Street, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3, (709) 772-5097 (Facsimile), (Electronic mail), at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first disposal operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Rick Wadman, identified in paragraph 12.1., within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. The loading and transit of material to be disposed of at the disposal site must be conducted in such a manner that no material enters the marine environment. Material spilled at any place other than the permitted disposal site must be retrieved. All wastes must be contained on shore while the barge is away from the loading site.

12.5. The material shall be covered by a net or other material to prevent access by gulls except during direct loading or disposal of the material.

12.6. This permit must be displayed in an area of the plant accessible to the public.

12.7. Vessels operating under the authority of this permit must carry and display a radar-reflecting device at all times mounted on the highest practical location.

12.8. The loading or disposal at sea conducted under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.

12.9. Material loaded for the purpose of disposal at sea may not be held aboard any vessel for more than 96 hours without the written consent of an enforcement officer designated pursuant to paragraph 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region




Revocation of Fingerprint Examiners

Pursuant to subsection 667(5) of the Criminal Code, I hereby revoke the designation of the following persons as Fingerprint Examiners:

    Douglas A. Handy
    Al Tario
    Geoff Broadfoot
    of the Ottawa Police Service

Ottawa, March 19, 2002

Deputy Solicitor General of Canada




Notice of Publication of Revision 1 of Technical Standards Document No. 122, "Motorcycle Brake Systems"

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 12 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act and sections 16 and 17 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations, that the Department of Transport has revised Technical Standards Document (TSD) No. 122, "Motorcycle Brake Systems," which specifies braking performance requirements for motorcycles. Revision 1 of TSD No. 122 is effective as of the date of publication of this notice and will become enforceable six months thereafter. Vehicles manufactured during the six-month interim period may conform to the requirements of either Revision 0 or Revision 1.

TSD No. 122, "Motorcycle Brake Systems," reproduces U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 122 of the same title and is incorporated by reference in section 122 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations. This revision changes the minimum hand lever force and foot pedal force requirements in the fade and water recovery tests that are specified in TSD No. 122. The new force levels are sufficiently low to accommodate new motorcycle braking systems that require less force to be effective. This revision replicates the regulatory text of the Final Rule issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States Department of Transportation that was published in the Federal Register of August 14, 2001 (Vol. 66, No. 157, p. 42613).

Copies of Revision 1 of TSD No. 122 may be obtained on the Internet at Any comments on Revision 1 of TSD No. 122 should be directed to Winson Ng, Regulatory Development Engineer, at the following address: Standards and Regulations Division, Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation Directorate, Department of Transport, 330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5, (613) 998-1949 (Telephone), (613) 990-2913 (Facsimile), (Internet address).

Standards Research and Development

For the Minister of Transport



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