

+Native Foods and Nutrition. Catalogue of Diabetes Education Resource for First Nations. Both publications are free of charge and available from the Medical Services Branch, Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Programs, Room 2032-B Jeanne Mance Building, Postal Locator 1920-B, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L3, Tel: (613) 954-7757

+Special Issue "The Silent Epidemic: Diabetes in the First Nations" Diabetes Dialogue, Volume 41, No. 3. 1994. The cost of this issue is $4 and it is available from The Canadian Diabetes Association, 800-15 Toronto St., Toronto. Ontario, M5C 2E3.
Tel: (416) 363-3373.

+Breaking the Silence: An Interpretive Study of Residential School Impact as Illustrated by the Stories of First Nations Individuals, 1994. Assembly of First Nations. This is available from The Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Health Commission, 1 Nicholas Street, Suite 1002, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 7B7. Tel: (613) 241-6789.

+Housing for Seniors: The Challenge in Northern and Remote Communities, Conference Proceedings (1991). Housing Indian Elders On-Reserve (1989), Maintaining Seniors’ Independence: A Guide to Home Adaptations (1989). Immigrants and the Canadian Housing Market: Living Arrangements, Housing Characteristics and Preferences (1996). Survey of Issues Affecting Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the Housing Sector (1995).

All publications are free of charge and are available from Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation, P.O. Box 3077, Markham, Ontario L3R G6H. Tel: 1-800-668-2642.

+Seniors Guide to Federal Programs and Services (1996). This publication also contains a list of national seniors organizations as well as provincial / territorial agencies offering seniors programs and services. Free of charge. Division of Aging and Seniors, Health Canada, Postal locator 4203-A, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9. Tel: (613) 952-7606. seniors@INET.HWC.CA

Stories from Kohkom, Sharing Our Values, Teaching Our Young (1995) and Sharing Our Health Circle: the Grandmothers’ Health Assessment Report (1995) Older Native Women’s Project. Available from Saskatoon Community Clinic, 455-2nd Ave. North, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C2.
Tel: (306) 652-0300 ext. 239.


Alzheimer Society of Canada 201-1320 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4T 1X2 Tel: (416) 925-3552.

Arthritis Society of Canada 901-250 Bloor St. East, Toronto, ON M4W 3P2 Tel:

Canadian Cancer Society 1745 Woodward Drive, Ottawa, ON K2C 0P9 Tel: (613) 723-1744

Canadian Diabetes Association 800-15 Toronto St.,Toronto, ON M5C 2E3 Tel: (416) 363-3373

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Tel: 1-800-360-1557

Osteoporosis Society of Canada 33 Laird Drive Toronto, ON M4G 3S9 Tel: 1-800-463-6842

Canadian Hearing Society 271 Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5R 2V3 Tel: 1-800-465-4327

Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) 3622 Hochelaga, Montreal, Quebec H1W 1J1.
Tel: 1-800-465-4622.

The Lung Association, Ottawa-Carleton Region 3: 3 Raymond St., Ottawa ON K1R 1A3 Tel:
(613) 230- 4200

Elders Projects

Native Elders Program, Four Worlds Development Project offers a health, nutrition and fitness program for First Nations elders. For more information, contact (403) 329-2184.

The Nechi Training, Research and Health Promotion Institute conducts information sessions on the devastating social and psychological impact of Native residential schooling on First Nations communities as well as counselling sessions to assist elders in dealing with the traumatic effects. For more information, contact 1-800-459-1884.

The Awareness Project Players, a seniors' initiated theatre group, at the Bernard Betel Centre for Creative Living in North York, write and perform their own plays as well as lead discussions on Elder Abuse. The workshops are suitable for community groups, clubs, conferences and schools.
For more information, contact (416) 225-2112.

Intercultural Grandmothers Uniting in Fort
is a growing network of older Saskatchewan First Nations, Métis and other Canadian women, whose purpose is to build bridges of understanding, respect and friendship between diverse cultures and the generations while working to increase general awareness about violence, especially toward girls and women. For more information, contact (306) 332-5616.

CRAIC, The Italian Seniors Citizen Centre in Montreal, holds information sessions on elder abuse and seniors rights. It has just set up a telephone service hotline, as part of an elder abuse prevention program. Every day 57 volunteers call 130 elders who are confined to their homes. For more information, contact (514) 273-6588.

Bernice Stuart teaches canning and preserving of wild meats to grandmothers at the Qu’Appelle Valley Friendship Centre in order to assist them in eating well on a low budget. For more information, contact (306) 332-5616.

The Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care in Toronto is a multi-service agency, which provides a range of health, social and other support services for residents in its nursing home and seniors complex as well as extensive outreach services, which are culturally and linguistically appropriate for seniors of Chinese origin. Many of its services are available to seniors of all cultural backgrounds.
For more information, contact (416) 321-6333.


"Our Nations’ Elders Speak" 1997/28 mins.
This video celebrates the lives of elders from First Nations, Inuit and Ethnocultural Minority communities who serve as a source of inspiration for others. It is a cross-cultural dialogue in which elders share their experiences and perspectives on ageing, culture, health and well-being.
Contact: NIICHRO (514) 632-0892.

"A Lifetime of Caring"
This video looks at difficult issues facing elders in many First Nations communities, including different forms of elder abuse and neglect, and promotes ways of providing improved caregiver services.
Contact: Gryphon Productions (604) 921-7627.

"Healing the Hurts" 59:39 mins.
The video documents a five-day ceremony by the people of Alkali Lake to heal the psychological scars caused by Native residential and boarding schools. Contact: Four Worlds Development Project (403) 329-2184.

"Beyond the Shadows" Cariboo Tribal Council 1992/ 28:20 mins.
A powerful documentary about the legacy of Native residential schooling and the causes of multi-generational grief. It touches on the historical background of these schools, but primarily depicts painful personal experiences and the healing processes underway in communities today.
Contact: Gryphon Productions (604) 921-7627.

"Mohawk Elders Speak" 1989/25 min.
The intended audience is Aboriginal people with diabetes, their families, and health care providers. The film emphasizes self-management of diabetes and the importance of knowing about the disease.
Contact: Kahnawake Social Services (514) 638-3199.

"Steady as You Go: Fitness for Preventing Falls" 1996/ 33 mins.
This video is for seniors who are living independently in the community and are able to safely participate in a moderate exercise program. It contains a 20-minute exercise routine facilitated by a seniors fitness instructor and two Tai Chi teachers. It can be used to lead a group or by individuals in their home. The video is part of a seniors program to prevent falls.
Contact: Capital Health Authority (403) 482-1965.

"Scam Alert!" 1996/42 mins.
A comprehensive four-part video designed to prevent fraud and deception targeting a general public. It includes a 9-minute segment on various forms of fraudulent telemarketing aimed at seniors.
French and English versions.
Contact: Competition Bureau, Industry Canada 1-800-348-5258.

"Real Stories" 39 mins.
A video designed to enhance communications between health care professionals and seniors and their families. English and French versions.
Contact: Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, Community Programs Branch, Seniors Issues, 77 Bloor St. West, 20th floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9.

"Between the Lines: Issues in Refugee Mental Health" 1991/26min.
This video examines the refugee experience and related factors affecting mental health adjustment such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. It looks at various models of service (outreach programs) and counselling/treatment techniques including cross-cultural and triadic counselling.
Contact: Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council (204) 477-4483.

"A Small Spark Has Become a Flame" 1982/52 min.
A documentary film showing the patients’ path through the unique, multilingual atmosphere of Central Hospital in Toronto. The video demonstrates the benefits of a multicultural setting and shows the methods used in serving patients who do not speak either official language.
Contact: Executive Director, Central Hospital (416) 969-4111.

"In Search of Joy: A Celebration of the Human Spirit" 1992/26 min.
A journey into the lives of individuals of diverse ages, cultures, and occupations who share their perspectives, experiences, and expressions of joy through interviews, images, and music of various traditions, embracing a range of spiritual and everyday experiences, focusing on the sacredness of life.
Contact: 2 Loons Productions (416) 537-2873.

"Silence into Silence" 1989/25 min.
This video highlights the common experiences of Chinese Canadian women, through the dramatization of day-to-day family life. In particular, the video shows how first-generation Canadian parents may pass on to their children traditions from their country of origin.
Contact: Vidéographe (514) 521-2116.

"Summer of the Loucheux" Portrait of a Northern Indian Family. 1983/27:45 mins.
The story of a young First Nations woman who joins her family at their fishing camp every summer. Mastering the skills of camp life, teaching her niece, and listening to her grandmother’s stories all contribute to her understanding of her culture and herself.
Contact: Tamarack Films (403) 477-7968.

"AWACAK" 1996/52 mins. AWACAK (pronounced awachak) is Atikamekw.
This video explores the experiences of Aboriginal adolescents in Obedjiwan through the six seasons of the Atikamekw Nations, from the past of their ancestors to the future, which they must now create. In Atikamekw and French, with English subtitles.
Contact: Gilbert Courtois (819) 974-8822.

"The Spirit Within" 1990/51:26 mins.
A First Nations elder visits prisons where nearly half the population is Aboriginal. By talking about his own prison experience he encourages and teaches the prisoners to reclaim their pride. He is now carrying the message of Native spirituality to prisoners across Canada.
Contact: National Film Board of Canada. Toll-free lines: Atlantic Canada 1-800-561-7104, Quebec 1-800-363-0328, Ontario 1-800-267-7710, Western and Northern Canada 1-800-661-9867.

copyright © 1997 NIICHRO 05/01/98