Industry Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canada’s Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA)

Canadian Consumer Handbook 2007

Consumer Tips - Consumer Privacy

With all the advances in electronic transactions over the past 20 years, consumer privacy has become a very important issue. You must guard your personal information at all times.

People who obtain very basic personal information about you can drain your bank accounts, or charge things to your credit cards. They could even open new accounts in your name, costing you a great deal of time and money. They can also bombard you with unwanted solicitations and marketing.

By taking some simple precautions, you can go a long way towards guarding your privacy, finances and peace of mind.

  • Ask manufacturers, catalogue or magazine subscription companies, charities and others with whom you do business not to sell your name to others for marketing purposes.
  • When companies ask for your social insurance number (SIN) or for personal information that is not essential for the transaction, ask them why they need to know. Be wary about giving out your SIN. You are only required by law to give your SIN to your employer and for income tax purposes.
  • Don't give anyone your credit card or bank account numbers unless you're making purchases with them, and don't put credit card numbers on your cheques.
  • When filling out warranty or other information cards, don't include optional or unnecessary personal information.
  • Companies promoting sweepstakes, contests and prize offers can easily obtain personal information. Be careful to check out the companies before deciding to do business with them or releasing personal or financial information.
  • Always check your credit card, cellphone, telephone or other bills to make certain that all the charges are for items that you have authorized.
  • When using a credit or debit card, don't leave the receipt behind.
  • Don't let others see you key in your PIN when using a debit card.

For a complete online guide to guard your privacy and personal information in the age of electronic commerce and new information technologies visit Privacytown.

For more information on privacy laws consult the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada website.

Also check out the section on Debit Card Fraud in this Handbook.