Industry Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canada’s Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA)

Canadian Consumer Handbook 2007

Consumer Tips - Moving

To help you find a reputable mover, consult the Consumer Checklist for Choosing a Moving Company at

The following is a summary of some of the information contained in the checklist:

  • Seek advice from family, friends or the Better Business Bureau (please refer to the directory at the end of this Handbook). This will help you ensure that your mover has experience and a proven track record.
  • Have all essential information before signing any contract. This includes checking that the company is bonded, has proper equipment, will provide unpacking, storage or claims settlement, and will store your valuables in a safe and appropriate place. Know exactly what you are paying for.
  • Give the mover as much information as possible and get an estimate in writing. By doing this you ensure that the mover knows about any special items or obstacles that may affect the estimate. Be suspicious if the quoted price seems very low.
  • Purchase moving insurance. Your home insurance may cover all or part of the move; if not, replacement value coverage is your best bet. It may be more expensive, but it will ensure you get adequate coverage. If the mover provides insurance, find out the limitations.
On moving day remember to do the following:
  • Have everything ready to go; don't get caught running around doing last minute packing.
  • Make sure the destination is ready; this may include reserving the elevator or a parking space.
  • Make an inventory and supervise the loading and unloading. If something goes wrong, file a claim quickly or it may be too late to do so.
  • Take valuables with you; it's best not to chance them with the mover.
It is often best to consult with a variety of movers. Many differ on price and services offered so consulting with different companies will ensure you get the service that suits you.