
Electronic Frontier Canada

La Frontière Électronique du Canada

Electronic Frontier Canada (EFC) was founded to ensure that the principles embodied in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms remain protected as new computing, communications, and information technologies are introduced into Canadian society.
La Frontière Électronique du Canada a été fondée pour garantir que les principes énoncés dans la Charte canadienne des Droits et des Libertés soient protégés, lors de l'introduction dans la société canadienne des nouvelles technologies de calcul, de communication, et d'information.
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Current Issues

March 2004: Yahoo sues Canadians over spam

According to the March 11 Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Eric Daniel Head, Matthew Head, and Barry Head are being sued by Yahoo! Inc under terms of the US's new anti-spam legislation. Yahoo! accuses the Heads of sending almost 100 million e-mail messages to its subscribers. EFC's Vice-President Jeffrey Shallit appeared in interviews on CH TV and in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record. He cautioned that legislative solutions to spam may not be the best route to follow.

February/March 2004: EFC intervenes in CRIA suit

EFC has petitioned the court to intervene in the Canadian Recording Industry Association's suit attempt to get ISP's to reveal the names of net users they say are violating copyright law. See this article in the Toronto Star. EFC's petition was granted and is being heard in court on March 12, 2004. Here is our court submission.

February/March 2004: CIPPIC intervenes in CRIA suit

CIPPIC, the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic at the University of Ottawa, has intervened in the recent CRIA suit. See their document here.

February 2004: Paul Bryan appeals in election law case

Paul Bryan was acquitted of violating Canada's election law in a web-posting case in October 2003. The Attorney General of Canada has appealed. More details here.

November 2003: EFC invited appearance at Canadian Association of Broadcasters

EFC's Vice-President Jeffrey Shallit spoke on a panel at the invitation of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters in November 2003. More details to follow.

CIRA hosts June 2003 Meeting of ICANN

CIRA, the non-profit corporation that handles the Canadian .ca domain, will be hosting a meeting of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) in Montreal, June 22-26, 2003. More information is here.

National ID Card Threatens Privacy

EFC's Richard Rosenberg testified in Vancouver on February 19 before the House Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration in opposition to Bill C-18 and the creation of a national ID card. Here are his remarks and an unedited transcript of the session.

The Net Routes Around Censorship

Robert Pickton, 53, is facing 15 counts of first-degree murder in connection with the disappearances of more than 50 women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.

As sometimes occurs in high profile cases like this, there is a publication ban.

As another example of "the Net" recognizing censorship as damage and routing information around it, there is a web site where people interested in the case can get access to news items published outside Canada: http://www.thememoryhole.org/crime/pickton-blackout.htm

An RCMP spokesperson in Vancouver said they are "looking at" web sites to see if there are any breaches of the publication ban.

Justice Canada's "Lawful Access" Proposal Threatens Canadians' Privacy

Justice Canada is proposing new intrusive powers to monitor electronic communications -- the so-called "Lawful Access" proposal. The Electronic Frontier Foundation and EFC collaborated on this response to the initiative.

Privacy Commissioner Warns: Privacy Under Attack

Read Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski's Annual Report, where he warns that the Canadian government is rapidly eroding personal privacy in the wake of September 11.

Election Law Challenge

Paul Bryan challenged the portion of Canada's election law dealing with early release of results. Judge Kerry Smith has now ruled that although the law does violate the Charter's guarantee of free expression, that violation is justifiable in a free and democratic society. See here for a brief summary.

Bryan received support from EFC in this challenge.

For more information, see the ElectionResultsCanada.com web site and the original press release from Paul Bryan.

Legal Status of E-mail

Journalist Nancy Carter is suing her ISP after they withheld access to her e-mail after a bill dispute. Read Nancy Carter's own summary of her case, an EFC exclusive. For more detail, see Carter is receiving support from EFC in this suit.

For more information about our specific aims, please read EFC's statement of purpose. If you support our goals, we hope you'll consider becoming a supporting member by filling out an EFC membership application form. The easiest way to reach us is by email: efc@efc.ca . We also have more details on how to contact us, if you need to reach us in a hurry.

Pour plus d'informations sur nos buts spécifiques, merci de lire la déclaration d'intention d'EFC. Si vous soutenez nos objectifs, nous espérons que vous envisagerez de devenir membre en remplissant une fiche de demande d'adhésion. La façon la plus simple de nous contacter est par e-mail: efc@efc.ca . Nous sommes à votre disposition pour plus de détails sur la manière de nous contacter en cas d'urgence.

If you are interested, we have more information about EFC, how it is organized, how decisions get made, example EFC activities, and how you can play a role as a supporting member.

Please feel free to browse EFC's Archives to learn more about some our activities and about challenges to your fundamental rights and freedoms in cyberspace.

Copyright © 2004 Electronic Frontier Canada, Inc. All Rights Reserved.