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Canada Gazette
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Part I: Notices and proposed regulations
Part II: Official regulations
Part III: Acts of Parliament
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Publishing information
Publishing requirements
Deadline schedule
Insertion rates
Request for insertion form
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Publishing information

Publishing requirements

To make sure that we publish your notice on time, please follow our publishing requirements listed below. If you do not follow these requirements, we may have to delay the publication of your notice or charge additional fees.

For security reasons, we do not accept notices sent by email.  We also do not send proofs for approval; however, we always advise clients of substantial changes.

Non-federal government clients and clients from provincial and municipal governments

Clients are asked to submit a Request for insertion form for non-federal clients with each notice. Please indicate the name of the person we can call to acknowledge receipt of the insertion form and to confirm the publication date. Indicate clearly when you want to publish your notice and if an affidavit is required. A cost of $22.00 will be charged for each affidavit.

If a translation of the text is unavailable, translation services are provided, at a fee, for certain types of notices. Call us for more information.

On your notice, include a signature block (name and title of the individual, or the name of the company, which should appear at the end of the notice) as well as a date.

Please send the completed request for insertion form with the notice by fax at 613-991-3540 or by mail to:

Canada Gazette Directorate
Public Works and Government Services Canada
350 Albert Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S5

If you are submitting your notice on diskette/floppy or CD-ROM, follow these procedures:

  1. Send one diskette/floppy or CD-ROM (Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format) of the texts to be published.
  2. Save the English and French text in two separate files. Do not compress documents. To create tables, use the software table option rather than tabs and spaces.
  3. Along with your diskette/floppy or CD-ROM, send two printed copies of the English text and two printed copies of the French text.

Following publication, an invoice and a copy of the publication containing the notice will be sent to the contact person indicated on the request for insertion form.

Federal government clients

Federal government clients must complete the request for insertion form. Indicate clearly the name of the person we can call to acknowledge receipt of the request for insertion and to confirm the publication date. Please complete all the boxes.

On your notice, include a signature block (name and title of the individual, or the name of the company which should appear at the end of the notice) as well as a date.

Please send the completed request for insertion form with the notice by fax at 613-991-3540 or by mail to:

Canada Gazette Directorate
Public Works and Government Services Canada
350 Albert Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S5

When submitting your notice for publication, please do not forget to:

  1. Obtain appropriate departmental approvals before submitting notices for publication.
  2. Ensure that the final version of the notice is submitted for publication. Draft versions of notices should not be submitted for publication.
  3. Verify that the paper and electronic version of the text correspond.

If your notice is a statutory instrument and its publication in the Canada Gazette is required under an Act of Parliament, you will need to register it with the Clerk of the Privy Council under paragraph 6(b) of the Statutory Instruments Act. You should send the appropriate number of copies to the Privy Council Office for registration. For specific questions about the Regulatory Process, please contact your departmental regulatory coordinator.

When submitting your notice on diskette/floppy or CD-ROM for publication, follow these procedures:

  1. Send one diskette/floppy or CD-ROM (Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format) of the texts to be published.
  2. Save the English and French text in two separate files. Do not compress documents. To create tables, use the software table option rather than tabs and spaces. Save your graphics in PDF or TIFF format.
  3. Along with your diskette/floppy or CD-ROM, send two printed copies of the English text and two printed copies of the French text.
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Deadline schedule

If your notice has six pages or less, we must receive it before 12 p.m (Eastern Time), six business days before the date of publication. For a calendar of the publication dates and related deadlines, see the 2007-2008 publication deadline schedule.

If your notice is more than six pages, please make special arrangements well in advance of the publication date with Josée Boisvert, Acting Manager, Editing Services, by telephone at 613-943-5261, or by email at

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Insertion rates

Government of Canada clients are invited to consult the Canada Gazette insertion rates at Please note that this Web site is only accessible to employees of the Government of Canada.

Private sector clients are asked to call us at 613-996-2495 or 1-866-429-3885. Our office is open from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Eastern Time.

Insertion rates – Non-federal departments and agencies

Part I
(Effective April 1, 2002)

Cost of publication
With diskette
Without diskette
Plans deposited $122.50 $132.50 $38.00; $19.00 for each additional notice
Surrender of charter $49.00 $53.00 $19.00
Relocation of head office $49.00 $53.00 $19.00

Estimated cost of publication: Actual costs may vary and will be reflected on your invoice.

Cost for a statutory declaration (upon request): $22

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Request for insertion forms

Federal government clients

If you are a federal government client, you have to complete this form to send along with your notice. Please refer to the procedures for federal government clients above.

Non-federal clients

Provincial and municipal governments, law firms, non-profit organizations, private individuals and companies are asked to submit a completed insertion form with each notice. Please refer to the procedures for non-federal clients above.

You need Acrobat Reader 4.1 (or later) to read this form. You can download this software for free from

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Subscription information

To subscribe to the Canada Gazette or to obtain a recent issue, contact bookstores selling government publications or place your order through Government of Canada Publications.

You can also call the sales counter of Canadian Government Publishing at (613) 941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943.

The following are the subscription fees for each part of the Canada Gazette:

Part I

Yearly subscription in Canada: $135.00
Yearly subscription outside of Canada: US$135.00

Per copy in Canada: $2.95
Per copy outside of Canada: US$2.95

Part II

Yearly subscription in Canada: $67.50
Yearly subscription outside of Canada: US$67.50

Per copy in Canada: $3.50
Per copy outside of Canada: US$3.50

Part III

Yearly subscription in Canada: $28.50
Yearly subscription outside of Canada: US$28.50

Per copy in Canada: $4.50
Per copy outside of Canada: US$4.50

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Maintained by the Canada Gazette Directorate Important notices
Updated: 2007-11-09