Statistics Canada Government of Canada

Table pick lists

The table pick list screen enables you to choose the specific members you require from each dimension of the selected table. There is one scrollable pick list for each dimension in the table and you must select at least one item from each list before clicking Retreive as a table.

If the table (or any one of its dimensions) includes footnote references, the table pick list screen will include hyperlinks. A hyperlink on the table number indicates that the footnotes are applicable to the entire table; hyperlinks on dimension titles indicate that the footnotes are only applicable to that dimension.

Under the table title you may notice one or more hyperlinks to the right of the survey or program title: these links allow access to definitions, sources and methodology related to survey level meta information. There are also hyperlinks below the table title that link to related subjects.

A View checklist button appears under each dimension title just above the scrollable list. This button lets you open a dimension to see the list of its members as well as any member-level footnotes in a full-screen view. This view is most useful for selecting from dimensions containing a large number of items since you can use your Web browser's Find feature (usually found under the Edit option in the menu bar of your web browser) to locate text.

Finally before proceeding with the request, check the range of years for which data is available and reduce this range if you wish, data retrievals are faster when the time period is short.

To continue, select either Retrieve as a table if you want output as a multidimensional table or Retrieve as individual Time-series if you want to see individual time series (possibly coming from more than one CANSIM table) in a two-dimensional layout.

Note: There is no guarantee that data exist for every intersection of every dimension so it is possible that even if you have selected at least one item from all the lists you might still be told your retrieval contains no series.

Note: If the designation *T* appears at the end of a member description, that member is terminated. Time series attached to a terminated member may be revised but are no longer updated and may not contain data for the most recent time periods. If the entire table is terminated, the mention *TERMINATED* will appear in red after the table title; this indicates that the entire table is no longer being updated.

Note: If an indication that the table is frozen appears just above the Continue button this means that unless you have the proper access rights you will not be able to access any data from the table.

Tips for selecting items

  • You can select several contiguous items by clicking on the first then holding the Shift key while clicking on the last.
  • On a PC running Windows (but not on a Macintosh) you can also select contiguous items by clicking on the first item and highlighting items until the last item you want to include is selected.
  • You can select non-contiguous items by holding the Control key while clicking on the second and subsequent items (on a Macintosh hold the Command key instead of the Control key).