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Current CD Version: 2007-1
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Civil Aviation Inspector Tookit

Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) is pleased to introduce you to the Civil Aviation Safety Inspector Toolkit Website.

Click here for instructions on how to subscribe!

Web Bulletins

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What is the Toolkit?

The Toolkit is intended to serve as a tool by providing you with a single source for the Canadian Aviation Regulations, regulatory guidance documents and TCCA forms. In an effort to be transparent and to promote a better understanding of how TCCA staff conduct their work, we have also included the procedural documents that they use in their daily activities.

The documents in the Toolkit are contained in a database called Fast Folio® that will provide you with a powerful tool to search through all the documents using key words, phrases or regulatory reference numbers. A licensed copy of the Fast Folio® software is included on the CD for your use if you do not currently have it installed.

How often is it published?

Additionally, a number of Transport Canada publications (TP's) have also been included in the Toolkit using the Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) for ease of viewing while retaining the traditional published look and feel.

How can I subscribe to the CD?

This new Toolkit is available to former subscribers of the CARs CD, the civil aviation industry, TCCA’s inspectors and to the general public who may wish to subscribe. To order call 1-888-830-4911 (in North America) or 613-991-4071 (outside of North America). You may also purchase the single copy of this release or purchase the annual subscription to the Toolkit by visiting the Transact Website.

To update your mailing address, visit our website.

What is included in the CD?

The 2007-1 version of the Toolkit includes the latest version of the:
Canadian Aeronautics Act; including 2007/05/04 amendment
Canadian Aviation Regulations and related Standards;
Canadian Aviation Regulatory Advisory Council (CARAC) Management Charter and Procedures;
The Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM) TP 14371;
Regulatory Guidance Material:
  • Airworthiness Manual Advisories (AMA's)
  • General Aviation Advisory Circulars (GAAC's)
  • Commercial and Business Aviation Advisory Circulars (CBAAC's)
  • Commercial and Business Aviation Policy Letters (CBA-PL's)
Commercial and Business Aviation Guidance Material:
  • CAR 703 Generic Company Operations Manual
  • CAR 704 Generic Company Operations Manual
  • Checklist & Guide for the development of a Company Operations Manual for CAR 702
  • Checklist & Guide for the development of a Fixed Wing Company Operations Manual for CARs 703 and 704
  • Checklist & Guide for the development of a Fixed Wing Company Operations Manual for CARs 703 VFR Only Operator
  • Checklist & Guide for the development of an Aeroplane Standard Operating Procedure Manual for CARs 604, 702, 703, 704 and 705
  • Guidance Material - Subpart 700
  • Guidance Material - Subpart 703
  • Guidance Material - Subpart 704
  • Guidance Material - Subpart 705
  • Multi Crew Aircraft Standard Operating Procedures
  • Single Crew Aeroplane Standard Operating Procedures
  • Development and Implementation of an Advanced Qualification Program (AQP)
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Advisory
Transport Canada Publications (TPs):
  • TP 14469 - Flight 2010 - A Strategic Plan for Civil Aviation
  • TP 185 - Aviation Safety Letter (Issue 1/2007)
  • TP 185 - Aviation Safety Letter (Issue 4/2006)
  • TP 185 - Aviation Safety Letter (Issue 3/2006)
  • TP 185 - Aviation Safety Letter (Issue 2/2006)
  • TP 185 - Aviation Safety Letter (Issue 1/2006)
  • TP 185 - Aviation Safety Letter (Issue 3/2005)
  • TP 312 Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices
  • TP 385 - Dangerous Goods Chapter to the Generic Operations Manual
  • TP 3783 - Air Carrier Inspector Manual - 5th Edition
  • TP 4711 - Air Operator Certification Manual
  • TP 6327 - Safety Criteria for Approval of Extended Range Twin - Engine Operations (ETOPS) - 1996 Edition
  • TP 6327 - Safety Criteria for Approval of Extended Range Twin - Engine Operations (ETOPS) - 2000 Edition
  • TP 6327 - Safety Criteria for Approval of Extended Range Twin Engine Operations (ETOPS) - Amendment 1 - 2002 Edition
  • TP 6327 - Safety Criteria for Approval of Extended Range Twin Engine Operations (ETOPS) - 2007 Edition
  • TP 6533 - Approved Check Pilot Manual - 8th Edition
  • TP 7886 - Civil Aviation Safety Inspector - Occupational Health and Safety Manual
  • TP 8880 - Starting a Commercial Air Service
  • TP 9155 - Master Minimum Equipment List / Minimum Equipment List, Policy and Procedures Manual
  • TP 9685 - Aeroplane and Rotorcraft Simulator Manual
  • TP 9908 - Air Operator Merger or Take-Over Procedures
  • TP 10839 - Guide to Air Ambulance Operations
  • TP 12208 - Guidelines and References for the Development and Standardization of Dangerous Goods Training Programs for Air Transport in Canada
  • TP 12295 - Flight Attendant Manual Standard
  • TP 12296 - Flight Attendant Training Standard
  • TP 12513 - Study and Reference Guide - Flight Dispatchers - 3rd Edition
  • TP 12854 - Cabin Safety Inspector Manual
  • TP 13498 - Generic Dispatchers Training Manual for Air Operators
  • TP 13561 - Generic Operational Control Manual (Dispatcher Manual) for Air Operators
  • TP 13750 - Commercial and Business Aviation Inspection and Audit (Checklists) Manual
  • TP 13834 - Study and Reference Guide - Chief Pilot Air Taxi - CAR 703 - Aeroplane
  • TP 13881 Safety Management Systems for Flight Operations and Aircraft Maintenance Organizations
  • TP 14025 – Study & Reference Guide OPS MGR Air Taxi – CAR 703 Aeroplane
  • TP 14028 – Study & Reference Guide – Commuter OPS – CAR 704 Aeroplane
  • TP 14114 - Approved Check Dispatcher Manual
  • TP 14216 - Inspector Quick Guide for Approvals and Inspections of Operational Control Systems
  • TP 14371 - Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM)
Transport Canada Civil Aviation Forms

* Additional information will be added to subsequent releases.

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