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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide

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Open letter to western Canadian farmers

In June, the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food released a report called The Future Role of the Government in Agriculture. Among the Committee’s many recommendations, there was one that should be of particular concern to you as a grower of wheat and barley. The members of the Committee recommended “that the board of directors of the Canadian Wheat Board authorize, on a trial basis, a free market for the sale of wheat and barley, and that it report to this Committee on the subject.”

This recommendation has received a lot of media coverage. Some groups have come out in favour of the recommendation. Others, including the farmer-elected board of directors of the CWB, have said that it is wrong and should be withdrawn.

Regardless of where you, as an individual farmer, stand on the issue, there are certain aspects of the debate that need to be clearly outlined:

As you think about where you stand and what you believe is best for your farm, please make sure to gather the facts that you need. The CWB belongs to you and the other farmers across Western Canada. Together, we owe it to ourselves to carefully consider its future. You can also phone our Business Centre at 1-800-275-4292 or you can speak to your local Director or CWB Farm Business Representative.

Although this year’s crop has presented farmers with many hardships and challenges, I wish all of you the best possible harvest.

Ken Ritter
Chair of the CWB Board of Directors

August 2006