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Meeting your member of parliament

Phoning your member of parliament

Example of a meeting follow up letter

Writing letters

Summaries of key issues


Many people have been talking about the future of the CWB.
That's prompted some of you to ask, "What can I do?"

The information here has been designed to help you get in front of, and effectively communicate with, your local MP, MLA and other stakeholders in order to share your view.

It will help you:

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Meeting your member of parliament

Before the meeting:
Meeting etiquette:
Meeting follow-up:

Send a follow-up letter thanking the official for meeting. In it, restate your key points.

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Phoning your member of parliament

Phone calls are a very effective way to get your MP's attention. Even if you are not able to speak directly with your MP, his or her constituency assistant is there to keep track of hot issues in the riding. The more telephone calls that come into your MPs office on any given issue, the more likely it is that your MP will take notice.

Before the call:
Brief yourself.

Be prepared for the phone call by informing yourself of counter-arguments to your position and questions that may arise as a result of the conversation. Be prepared to make requests of your MP based on the direction of the conversation.

During the call:
After the call:

Write a letter. You may wish to write a follow-up letter after your call. In it, restate your key messages. A sample letter is included in this kit to get you started.

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Example of a meeting follow up letter

NOTE: This letter should be tailored to reflect the outcome of the MP meeting

Dear (MP's Name):

Thank you for taking the time to meet me to talk about (subject of issue).

As we discussed, (some key points and highlights here)

I know that the government has said it will (policy/position statement).
I would like to ensure the government knows (A, B, C)

[Write a couple of sentences here to summarize what you would like to see happen and why].

Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me. I appreciated having the opportunity to share my perspective on (subject of issue).


(your name)

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Writing letters

Letters can be an extremely effective way of getting your point across. Newspapers and politicians alike are impressed and take notice of someone who has taken the time to write a personal and well-written letter on a timely issue.

What should be included in the letter?

Letters to the editor are most likely to be printed when they are timely. If you are writing in reply to something you have read in the paper, be sure to submit your response within a day or two of the report, otherwise it will lose its impact.

Letters to the editor may also:

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