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• CARs

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 • Chapter 500


 • Standard 501


 • Chapter 505


 • Standard 507


 • Standard 509


 • Chapter 511


 • Chapter 513


 • Chapter 516


 • Chapter 522


 • Chapter 523 (VLA)


 • Chapter 523


 • Chapter 525


 • Chapter 527


 • Chapter 529


 • Chapter 531


 • Chapter 533


 • Chapter 535


 • Chapter 537


 • Chapter 541


 • Chapter 549


 • Chapter 551


 • Standard 561


 • Chapter 563


 • Chapter 566


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Canadian Aviation Regulations 2007-1

Content last revised: 2004/12/01

AMA: 500/00 M
Date: December 1, 2004

Airworthiness Manual Advisory Index
(This AMA supersedes AMA 500/00 L dated 2003-06-10.)

1. Purpose

This advisory provides information on advisory material related to the standards and procedures contained in the Airworthiness Manual (AWM). Updated lists of all current and cancelled AMAs are presented in Appendix A and B respectively. FAA Advisory Circulars excluded for use with the AWM are listed in Appendix C.

2. Advisory Material

Transport Canada issues advisory material to provide information, interpretations or acceptable means for demonstrating compliance with existing standards to the aviation community.

Information usually addresses issues or non regulatory material which may be of interest; in a few cases it is used to advise industry on the criteria or the requirements that the Department will apply in specific certification cases in the form of Special Conditions - Airworthiness.

Interpretations are used to advise industry on current policies, and in certain cases the Department reading of current requirements, pending the results of international harmonization.

Means of compliance are recommended means of complying with the requirements contained in the AWM, in particular with Canadian additional technical conditions (Canadian variants). In this case the content of the advisory is not binding on the public. The applicant may elect to follow an alternate method, provided that the proposed means is acceptable to the Department.

Advisory material may be presented in two forms: as a short and concise "Information Notes" imbedded in the text right after the affected standards, or as a separate document, i.e., "Airworthiness Manual Advisory" (AMA), when the information is too conspicuous to be published within the standards.

The current Airworthiness Manual Advisory (AMA) material for the series 500 AMAs, the Design Standards have been, as of December 1, 2004, renamed and reformatted as Advisory Circulars (AC). The conversion is strictly a format and number change while the contents remain unchanged. The conversion of advisory material from AMA to AC is undertaken to further harmonize the Canadian Aviation Regulatory system with the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and the new European Aviation Safety Agency Certification Specifications. Not only will this conversion bring us closer to harmonization with the FAA and EASA but will also allow harmonization of the Aircraft Certification branch advisory material with the other branches of Transport Canada Civil Aviation that are currently using ACs.

Appendix B of this AMA provides a list of replacement AC numbers for the previously existing AMA numbers.

The AC Index to replace AMA 500/00 has been established and contains all of the current ACs with their new corresponding AC number that were previously published as AMAs. That Index is SI No. GEN-001. AMA 500/00 will continue to be published until the all the AMAs for Delegation and Certification Procedures, Recreational Aviation and Maintenance and Manufacturing are converted to ACs or for as long they continue to be relevant.

3. AMA Numbering System

AMA numbers are assigned to correspond to a subject area of the AWM according to the following system:

(a) Series 500 AMAs

AMAs containing miscellaneous or general information or addressing subjects applicable to more than one Chapter of the AWM will be issued in the 500 Series, e.g. AMA 500/n A;

where: n = sequential number (1, 2, 3 etc.)

A = sequential amendment status (A, B, C etc.)

Information Note:

Originally the 500 Series AMAs had a speciality ID letter (A to G), following the number 500. This system has been discontinued.

(b) Series 5XX AMAs

(i) AMAs providing information regarding a specific section of a chapter, e.g. AMA 525.101/n A;

(ii) providing information regarding more than one subchapter or section of the same chapter, e.g. AMA 525/n A;

where: n = sequential number, if more than one AMA (1, 2, 3 etc.)

A = sequential amendment status (A, B, C etc.)

(iii) AMAs providing information regarding an entire subchapter of a chapter were identified as AMA 505C/5 A;

where: A are the same as defined above, and

C = subchapter number

(c) Advisory Circular Numbering

Staff Instruction (SI) GEN-002 should be consulted for formatting and numbering of new Advisory Circulars (AC).

4. Foreign Advisory Material

Transport Canada also reviews advisory material published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the USA and the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), and may accept this material for use with the design standards contained in the Airworthiness Manual, when they are not conflicting with Canadian regulations, standards, policies, interpretations and advisory material.

(a) FAA Advisory Material

Except when specifically excluded in Appendix C of this document, FAA ACs addressing the adopted design standards of FAR 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 and 35, as well as some related ACs in the series 20, 43, 90, 91, 120 and 121, are considered acceptable for use with the Airworthiness Manual subject to the following:

(i) Only the airworthiness content is accepted.

(ii) Any reference to "FAA Administrator" and "Administration" will read the "Minister".

(iii) Any reference to FAR sections (Part 23 to 35) will read as sections of the corresponding AWM Chapter (523 to 535).

(iv) No advisory circular can modify or change a Canadian standard.

(v) Any reference to FAA regulations which have not been adopted in Canada may be allowed only if the foreign regulations are not in conflict with the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).

(vi) FAA operational regulations do not apply in Canada and shall be replaced by reference to the applicable CARs.

(vii) Canadian equivalents will not be substituted where statements of fact are being made, e.g. "FAA does not require in FAR 91.125 etc."

FAA Advisory Circular exclusions will, as of December 1, 2004 be provided in SI No. GEN-001 published by the Aircraft Certification branch.

Information Note:

Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circulars (ACs) are available (in English only) by mail order from:

Canada - Mail Orders
Renouf Publishing Co. Ltd.
1294 Algoma Road
Ottawa ON K1B 3W8

Telephone: (613) 741-4333
Fax: (613) 741-5439
Internet Address:

(b) JAA Advisory Material

The JAA advisory material accepted for use with the design standards of Chapter 522, Gliders and Powered Gliders, and Chapter 523-VLA, Very Light Aeroplanes, are listed respectively in AMA 522/1 and AMA 523-VLA/1, as revised from time to time.

See Appendix B of this AMA for the replacement AC numbers of AMA 522/1 and AMA 523-VLA/1.

Appendix A
Airworthiness Manual Advisory (AMA)

1. Series 500 AMAs

Information Note:

All series 500 AMAs cancelled and replaced by ACs. See Appendix B for further detail.

2. Series 5xx AMAs

Delegation and Certification Procedures

505D/1B Airworthiness Inspection Representative (15 May 1990)
505F/1 Flight Permit Authorization (17 June 1992)

Design Standards

Information Note:

All Design Standards AMAs have been cancelled and replaced by ACs. See Appendix B for further detail.

Recreational Aviation

549/1B Amateur-Built Aircraft:General (01 April 1996)
549.5 Evaluation of Amateur-Built Aircraft Kits (03 January 1991)
549.7A Composite Primary Structures of Amateur Built Aircraft (31 October 1992)
549.9 Use of Automotive Gasoline in Aircraft Engines (15 April 1987)
549.11 Amateur-Built Aircraft - Noise Emission Control (26 September 1988)
549.13/1A Equipment and Instruments for Amateur-Built Aircraft (31 October 1992)
549.13/2 Prevention of Carburetor Icing in Amateur-Built Aircraft (15 April 1987)
549.101A Evaluation of Amateur-Built Aircraft as to Suitability for Performing Aerobatic Flights (01 April 1996)
549.103/1 High Performance Amateur Built Aeroplanes (30 October 1992)
549.103/2 Amateur-Built Aeroplanes Pilot License Requirements (12 November 1991)
549.201 Evaluation of Amateur-Built Helicopters (05 November 1990)

Manufacturing & Maintenance

561/1 Manufacturer Approval Requirements (01 January 1986)
561/2 Manufacturer Approval Procedures (01 January 1986)
561/3A Certification (15 May 1990)
561/4 Quality Program Manual Preparation (01 January 1986)
563/1 Distributor Standards and Procedures (01 January 1986)
Distributor Standards and Procedures (01 January 1986)
563/2 Distributor Standards and Procedures (01 January 1986)
Product Control System Manual Preparation (01 January 1986)
571.101/1 Reliability Monitoring Programs (01 April 1987)

Appendix B

The following AMAs have been cancelled:


Title / Date

Cancellation Date

Replaced By:

500C/1 Aircraft or Equipment Incorporating Digital Computer Technology (05/01/86)


FAA AC 20-115B
500C/2 Multipurpose Electronic Flight Deck Display Systems (01/05/86)


Superseded by several FAA ACs
500C/3 Fire Protection - Ignition Sources (01/05/86)


AC 500-005 Issue No. 1
500C/4 A Portable Fire Extinguishers for Use in Aircraft (25/03/87)


FAA AC 20-42C
500C/5B Aircraft Operations After Ground Cold Soak (2/03/90)


AC 500-006 Issue No. 1
500C/6 Lightning Protection of Aircraft Fuel Systems


AC 500-007 Issue No. 1
500/7A Induction System Snow Protection 27/01/00)


AC 500-008 Issue No. 1
500/8B Composite Aircraft Structure (8/11/99)


AC 500-009 Issue No. 1
500/9A Standards for the Design and Installation of Aircraft Skis (29/10/99)


AC 500-010 Issue No. 1
500/10 Restricted Category Certification for Small Aeroplane and Helicopters for Special Purpose Operations (23/08/01)


AC 500-011 Issue No. 1
500/11 Airworthiness Standards for the Design of Aircraft Floats (2/02/98)


AC 500-012 Issue No. 1
500/12 Carriage of Bulk Fluids in Aircraft (7/04/00)


AC 500-013 Issue No. 1
500/13 Aircraft Flight Manuals (30/10/02)


AC 500-014 Issue No. 1
500/15A Certification Plans (10/06/03)


AC 500-015 Issue No. 1
500/16 Establishing The Certification Basis of Changed Aeronautical Products (10/06/03)


AC 500-016 Issue No. 1
500G/1 Development and Implementation of Supplemental Structural Inspection Requirements for Aging Aircrafts (05/06/90)


STD 511.34
503.1 Airworthiness Manual Amendment Process (01/12/94)


See CARAC Charter
503.11 Adoption of FAA or JAA or ICAO Amendments and Environmental Standards (01/12/94)


See CARAC Charter
505C/1 Design Approval Representative (30/11/93)


AC 505-001 Issue No. 1
507B/1A Export Airworthiness Certificates (31/03/92)


CARs 509 and associated standards
507B/2 Authorized Release Certificate -Airworthiness Approval Tag - Class II and Class III Aeronautical Products (31/03/92)


STD 571, Appendix J
507C/1 Imported Aeronautical Products (29/08/88)


CARs 507 and associated standards
507D/1A Airworthiness Certification (30/03/92)


CARs 507 and associated standards
507D/2 Special Certificate of Airworthiness - Limited - Ex-military Aircraft for Private Use (15/06/90)


CARs 507 and associated standards
507E/1A Identification of Aircraft and Aeronautical Products (30/11/90)


CARs Part II and associated standards
507F/1 Annual Airworthiness Information Reporting (31/10/88)


AWM 501
511/1A Type Certification Procedure for Canadian Aeronautical Products (2/02/98)


AC 511-002 Issue No. 1
511/2 Type Certification of Foreign Type Design of Aeronautical Products including Related Airworthiness Activities (2/02/98)


AC 511-003 Issue No. 1
511E/1 Type Approval Procedures for Aeronautical Appliances (09/06/89)


Combined in AMA 511/1 A
511F/1 Type Approval of Foreign Type Designs of Aircraft, Aircraft Engines and Propellers including related Airworthiness Activities (21/06/89)


AMA 511/2
511.107 Time Period Required to Obtain an Aircraft Type Approval (18/05/89)


CARs 511.06
511.115/1 Conditions for First Flight (24/05/89)


Section 511.08(3) and Chapter 511, Appendix B
511.115/2 Emergency Provisions - Flight Test Aircraft (18/05/89)


Section 511.08(1)
511.201  - Type Approval Certificates and Data Sheets - Aeronautical Products (23/05/89)


Appendix C of STD 511
511.315 Criteria for the Issue of a New Aircraft Engine Type Approval (19/05/89)


511.603 Transfer of Type Approval (18/05/89)


STD 511.25
513/1 Supplemental Type Approvals (19/04/90)


STD 513 - Information Notes
513/2 Familiarization of Supplemental Type Certificate Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (24/05/90)


STD 513 - Information Notes and AMA 513.20
513/3 Repair Design Approvals: General Procedures (06/05/90)


STD 513 - Information Notes
513/4 C Payment of Fees and Reimbursement of Incremental Costs-Modification and Repair Design Approvals (10/06/03)


AC 513-005 Issue No. 1
513/5 Privileges, Responsibilities and Obligations of Holders of Approvals (23/04/90)


STD 513 - Information Notes
513.05/1 Flight Test Considerations for the Approval of the Design of Aircraft Modifications (10/06/03)


AC 513-003 Issue No. 1
513.05/2 Flight Manual Requirements Following Modification s (10/06/03)


AC 513-004 Issue No. 1
513.06/1A Flight Test Considerations for the Approval of the Design of Aircraft Modifications (21/12/99)


AMA 513.05/1
513.06/2A Flight Manual Requirements Following Modifications (21/12/99)


AMA 513.05/2
513.11 Modifications and Repairs: Approval Basis Exceptions (28/05/90)


STD 513 - Information Notes
513.17 Flight Test Considerations for the Approval of the Design of Aircraft Modifications (22/03/90)


AMA 513.06/1
513.19 Flight Manual Requirements following Modifications (11/04/90)


AMA 513.06/2
513.20A Approval of Foreign Designed Changes to the Type Design of Aeronautical Products (10/06/03)


AC 513-006 Issue No. 1
522/1B Advisory Circulars - Joint (ACJs) Gliders and Powered Gliders (30/06/93)


AC 522-001 Issue No. 1
523-VLA/1A Advisory Circulars - Joint (ACJs) Very Light Aircraft (15/11/99)


AC 523-VLA-001 Issue No. 1
523-VLA/2 Additional Technical Requirements For Night and IFR Operations (01/06/93)


Chapter 523-VLA - in the text and Information Notes
523.1581B Aeroplane Flight Manual (29/10/99)


AMA 500/13
523/1A Stalls, Compliance (Commuter Category Aeroplanes) (08/11/99)


AC 523-002 Issue No. 1
523/2A Flight in Icing Conditions - Performance (29/10/99)


AC 523-003 Issue No. 1
523/3A Turbine Engine Propeller Reversing Systems (Commuter Category Aeroplanes) (28/08/01)


AC 523-004 Issue No. 1
523/4A Flight in Icing Conditions - Flight Characteristics (29/10/99)


AC 523-005 Issue No. 1
523/5A Performance Credit for Use of Power and Propeller Blade Pitch during Accelerate Stop and Landing Ground Roll (30/06/99)


AC 523-006 Issue No. 1
523/6 Glider and Banner Towing (27/03/01)


AC 523-007 Issue No. 1
525.671A Aeroplane Flight Control System Failure Analysis (14/07/00)


AC 525-015 Issue No. 1
525.697 Lift and Drag Devices, Controls and Indicators (01/05/86)


AC 525-016 Issue No. 1
525.933 Thrust Reversing Systems, Turbo-Jet Engines (01/05/86)


AMA 525/3
525.1091A Engine Ingestion of Water/Slush Due to Runway Conditions (27/06/00)


AC 525-017 Issue No. 1
525.1191 Firewalls - Criteria for Fireproofing (01/05/86)


FAA AC 20-135
525.1309 Aeroplane Equipment, Systems, and Installation Probability Analysis (01/05/86)


FAA AC 25.1309-1A
525.1521A Conditional Use of Rated Take-off Power/Thrust (14/07/00)


AC 525-018 Issue No. 1
525.1581A Aeroplane Flight Manual (12/11/99)


AMA 500/13
525.1581/2 A Computerized Aeroplane Flight Manual Performance Systems (15/11/99)


AC 525-019 Issue No. 1
525/1A Stalls, Compliance (12/11/99)


AC 525-020 Issue No. 1
525/2A Flight in Icing Conditions - Performance (29/10/99)


AC 525-004 Issue No. 1
525/3 Operation of Thrust Reversing Systems (24/08/88)


AC 525-005 Issue No. 1
525/4A Operations from Unpaved Runways (02/09/99)


AC 525-006 Issue No. 1
525/5A Flight in Icing Conditions - Flight Characteristics (20/10/99)


AC 525-007 Issue No. 1
525/6A Downwind Take-Off and Landing (15/ 11/99)


AC 525-008 Issue No. 1
525/7A Controllability During Approach and Landing (VMCL,) Considerations (30/06/99)


AC 525-009 Issue No. 1
525/8A Performance Credit for Use of Propeller Blade Pitch During Accelerate Stop and Landing Roll (15/11/99)


AC 525-010 Issue No. 1
525/9A Approval of Steep Approach and Short Landing Capability of Transport Category Aeroplanes (25/02/00)


AC 525-011 Issue No. 1
525/10A Certification of Large Aeroplanes in the Restricted Category, Used for Special Purpose Operations (06/03/00)


AC 525-012 Issue No. 1
525/11A Flight Characteristics with Lateral Center of Gravity (12/11/99)


AC 525-013 Issue No. 1
525/12 Certification of Transport Category Aeroplanes on Narrow Runways (19/11/99)


AC 525-014 Issue No. 1
529/1 Emergency Egress from a Transport Category Rotorcraft after Experiencing a Rollover (23/02/00)


AC 529-002 Issue No. 1
533.90 Initial Maintenance Inspection (01/01/87)


AC 533-001 Issue No. 1
537/1 Cross References used in Aviation Technical Standard Orders (15/05/87)


AWM Chapter 537, Section 3 (Change 537-4)
551.100 Flight Data Recorder Installation Calibration and Correlation Procedures (02/02/98)


AC 551-002 Issue No. 1
571.101/2 Maintenance Development Programs (01/04/87)


571.101/3 Maintenance Review Boards (01/04/87)


FAA AC 121-22A
571.101/4 On-condition Maintenance of Piston Engines (05/10/87)


STD 625, Appendix D
571.101/5 Aircraft Wooden Components, Inspection for Deterioration (26/05/88)


STD 571, Appendix E
571.103/1 On-condition Maintenance of Piston Engines (30/11/86)


STD 625, Appendix C
571.103/2 Propeller Maintenance (27/02/87)


STD 625, Appendix C
571.105 Transfer of Aeronautical Products between Inspection Programs (31/01/87)


STD 625, Appendix F
571.203A Repairs and modifications (03/06/94)


AWM 571, sections 06 and 12
571.205 Deferred Defects (05/10/87)


CARs 406, 604 and 706
571.207 Inspection after Abnormal Occurrences (31/01/87)


575.7 Aircraft Maintenance Records (30/06/87)


CARs 571, 605 and associated standards
575.103 Certification of Maintenance (30/06/87)


575.217 Maintenance Release Tags (30/06/87)


CARs 571 and associated standards
575.219 Instructions for Completion of Form 24-0045, Repair or Modification Conformity Certificate (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance) (30/06/87)


CARs 571 and associated standards
591.103 SDR Form 24-0038 Completion Instructions (30/10/87)


STD 591, Appendix A
591.105 Example Defects Requiring the Submission of a Report (30/10/87)


STD 591, Appendix C
591/1 Service Difficulty Reporting (30/10/87)


STD 591, Appendix B
593/1 Airworthiness Directives (30/09/87)


STD 593

Appendix C
FAA Advisory Circulars Exclusions

See SI No. GEN-001 published by the aircraft certification branch for information regarding exclusions to Transport Canada of FAA Advisory Circulars.


Last updated: Top of Page Important Notices