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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



GrainWaves is a weekly feature for the radio agricultural media in Western Canada. Clips can also be downloaded by phone at 1-877-823-4677.

November 21, 2007

Strong Latin American demand for western Canadian wheat

Demand for western Canadian wheat is very strong in Latin America, a region which accounts for 20 per cent of CWB sales. Rhyl (RILL) Doyle, CWB senior marketing manager for Latin America, says the past several months have been a seller’s market:

Doyle has just returned from the Latin American Millers’ Association meeting in Lima, Peru – a country that imports between 300 and 500 thousand tonnes of western Canadian wheat a year. The CWB is actively working on market development a number of ways with Peru:

At the same time, bilateral trade talks between Canada and Peru are continuing. Doyle says these talks are very important for farmers:

Without a trade deal, Doyle says Canadian wheat and durum could face a tariff disadvantage as high as 17 per cent compared to U.S. grain, which could be devastating. On the bright side, he doesn’t see any major hurdles to concluding the new trade agreement:

Doyle says the meeting in Peru was a great way to meet with a lot of Caribbean and South American wheat customers over a short period of time.

For more information please contact:

Maureen Fitzhenry
CWB media relations manager
Phone: (204) 983-3101