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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide

About us

Myths and facts

Facts about the Canadian Wheat Board

There is a great deal of misinformation about the nature and operations of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). The purpose of this pamphlet is to provide factual information about the CWB and to lay to rest some common myths.

The Canadian Wheat Board is a government agency.
The CWB is a marketing organization. It is governed by a board of directors, made up of a majority of elected farmers. As well, all CWB operating costs are paid by farmers.

The Canadian Wheat Board discounts wheat and barley prices on the world market.
The CWB has no interest in selling grain for low values. Its mandate is to market quality products and services to maximize returns to farmers. An independent group surveyed about 100 grain buyers in 1996. The buyers indicated that they had to pay top prices to get Canadian wheat. However, they felt it was a good buy due to the excellent customer service and product they received.

The Canadian Wheat Board is a vehicle used by the Government of Canada to subsidize farmers.
The CWB does not provide subsidies and does not receive subsidies. The CWB markets western Canadian wheat (including durum) and barley to the world and disburses all revenue (less marketing costs) to farmers. It is in full compliance with all of Canada's international trade obligations.

The Canadian Wheat Board is secretive.
The CWB publishes an independently audited annual report that is readily available to the public. It publishes monthly forecasts of pool returns and all payments to farmers can be found in the annual report.

The Canadian Wheat Board controls wheat and barley production.
The CWB has no control over what Canadian farmers grow. Canadian farmers decide what crop to plant based on market conditions and agronomic factors.

The Canadian Wheat Board acts as a barrier to Canadian grain imports.
The CWB has no control over the import of any grain into Canada.

The Canadian Wheat Board is an unfair trader.
The U.S. government has investigated or studied the CWB eight times in the past decade. Each time, the CWB has been found to be trading fairly and in full compliance with all of Canada's international trade obligations.

Did you know?

The numbers are based on a $.65 Cdn/US exchange.