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Civil Aviation Directive

Directive No. 41

Organization Transition Implementation Project

Policy Objective:

To establish Civil Aviation's approach to proceed with the implementation of Civil Aviation’s organization review, and the review of the workforce required for the future to optimize and sustain the implementation of safety management systems (SMS) in aviation organizations and consistent with the Integrated Management System (IMS) in Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA).


Civil Aviation has undergone many changes since the organization changes of 1995.  New concepts and approaches have been introduced in successive key strategic documents such as Challenge ’98, Flight 2005 and Flight 2010.  Each new set of concepts build upon the previous key strategies.  These strategic documents and the changes reflect broad Government of Canada initiatives as articulated in Results for Canadians.  This and other documents provided a framework for focusing on areas such as stewardship, accountability and results. Much has changed since 1995 and more changes will be necessary as Civil Aviation moves towards full implementation of its overall strategy.

Flight 2005: A Civil Aviation Safety Framework for Canada identified implementing SMS in aviation organizations as an evolving direction. The goals were to establish, through proactive management, more industry accountability and to instill a positive safety culture throughout the aviation industry. This evolving direction turned into the most important safety framework initiative, not only in Civil Aviation, but in other Transport Canada regulatory areas as well.

To enable TCCA to continue to develop, implement and sustain the SMS oversight framework in the Industry and the IMS internally, management must ensure that our workforce and our organization are in a position to effectively deliver these programs in the future.  Therefore, there is a need to identify and address any gaps in the capabilities of the workforce and its organization structure.

Policy Statement:

Civil Aviation is committed to and supports the organizational review and the associated workforce review and renewal by:

  • Initiating and sustaining a National Organization Transition Implementation Project (NOTIP) responsible for these linked activities
  • Developing an implementation strategy and associated plans to facilitate an effective organizational transition
  • Ensuring effective communication and consultation with internal and external stakeholders affected by these activities
  • Providing resources to the NOTIP, as required, to meet its responsibilities
  • Overseeing the implementation of the changes identified by the NOTIP in a timely manner


This Civil Aviation Directive applies to all areas of the national Civil Aviation program.


A NOTIP team will be established, led by Judy Rutherford, which will be responsible for all aspects of these two activities from the date of effectiveness of this directive until the changes demanded by the NOTIP activities are substantially completed. 

Implementation of the recommended organization structure will involve continuous monitoring of projects identified within the NOTIP.  The status of projects and ongoing identification and resolution of issues will also be managed through the NOTIP’s implementation plan. Project teams will be created as needed and will be guided by an approved project plan or Terms of Reference (TORs).

Project plans shall include:

  • Description of project/initiative
  • Objective and scope
  • Key steps and related timeframes
  • Project team members, accountabilities and reporting requirements
  • Project budget
  • Expected outcome

A minimum number of personnel resources will be permanently assigned to the NOTIP team; therefore, specialists will be assigned from other organizations on an as required basis to meet NOTIP requirements in accordance with approved Terms of Reference.

Resources will be tracked using a national project code to be established and maintained by the Quality & Resource Management Branch.

The respective Regions and Headquarters Branches will absorb any costs associated with projects within their purview.  The Director of NOTIP will fund costs associated with national projects.  Request for external expertise shall be submitted to the Director of NOTIP.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Director, NOTIP

The Director of NOTIP is responsible to the Director General Civil Aviation (DGCA) for the determination and implementation of changes to the organization and to the workforce to enable the successful implementation of a sustainable SMS oversight framework for the industry and consistent with the IMS.

The Director’s responsibilities are as follows:

  • Developing the NOTIP implementation strategy and associated plan
  • Being the focal point for all of the activities related to NOTIP including the implementation and management of the NOTIP Implementation Strategy and associated Plan
  • Providing support to the DGCA and the National Civil Aviation Management Executive (NCAMX) for activities related to NOTIP
  • Keeping implementation coordinators and project teams up to date
  • Managing human and financial resources associated with the NOTIP process
  • Linking to Civil Aviation’s strategic plan and resource management plan
  • Monitoring the status of projects and keeping the DGCA and NCAMX apprised of project status and issues
  • Liaising with HR and other corporate groups (e.g., Corporate Services), as required


The DGCA is responsible for approving the NOTIP implementation strategy and associated plan.  DGCA, in consultation with NCAMX, will also make the final decision on all project recommendations.  In addition, the DGCA will:

  • Approve the headquarters NOTIP implementation plan
  • Ensure adequate resources are provided to implement the Headquarters NOTIP implementation plan
  • Ensure that the national NOTIP implementation strategy and associated plans and all national project plans are presented to NCAMX for review and consideration


NCAMX, as a decision making body, supports the various project teams involved in NOTIP, provides advice to the DGCA and will be involved for the duration of NOTIP. The NCAMX role, as it relates to NOTIP, includes but is not limited to:

  • Reviewing and recommending the NOTIP implementation strategy and associated plans
  • Ensuring senior management awareness on implementation issues (e.g. Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister of Safety and Security, Regional Directors General) and proposing solutions for sensitive issues
  • Facilitating management and cross organization projects
  • Reviewing and approving project ToRs and provide key input into project recommendations;
  • Providing guidance to project teams on:
    • Issues identification
    • Sources of information
    • Approaches
    • Protocol
    • Strategies
    • Implementation considerations
    • Recommendations.
  • Leading and being champions for the NOTIP process
  • Ensuring effective communication in a timely fashion
  • Appointing NOTIP implementation coordinators, project team leaders and members, as required
  • Providing guidance to the implementation coordinators
  • Approving NOTIP implementation plans in accordance with the NOTIP implementation plan
  • Ensuring adequate resources are provided to implement plans

Implementation Coordinators

Implementation coordinators will report to their respective Directors and will support the Director of the NOTIP.  The responsibilities of the implementation coordinators include:

  • Being the focal point for the activities related to projects within their purview
  • Participating, monitoring and reporting on the status of projects
  • Providing support to their Director and the Director of the NOTIP for activities related to the organizational review
  • Keeping project teams up to date of various issues that may impact their projects


The Director, NOTIP will report regularly to the DG and NCAMX as required, on NOTIP’s plans and progress.

Further Information:

Judy Rutherford
National Organization Transition Implementation Project
Telephone: (613) 990-1280
Facsimile: (613) 991-4280


Merlin Preuss
Director General
Civil Aviation

Effective date: February 3, 2006
Expiry date: This directive will be revised as necessary as the activities develop.

Last updated: Top of Page Important Notices