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Communications - Pro-actively communicating with targeted audiences on aviation safety.


Improve awareness, knowledge and acceptance of the mandate and role of the Civil Aviation program.

Initiative Status
Conduct a needs analysis of educational and promotional programs to support the objectives of Flight 2005 An internal review of System Safety evaluation activities was undertaken, the results and recommendations have been published.

In April 2003, the renewed System Safety program refocused energies and resources to meet new priorities and address evolving issues and directions of Flight 2005, in particular the use of safety intelligence to develop timely and relevant education and promotion initiatives and activities.

Action a national communications plan to inform internal and external stakeholders on Flight 2005 Specific individual communications initiatives being completed as implementation proceeds.
Conduct a public perception survey on aviation safety issues Civil Aviation regularly participates in the departmental Ekos surveys to gauge public opinion on air travel. The last survey, conducted in 2002 indicated a public confidence rating of about 60% in the safety of air travel.
Publish regular status updates on Implementing Flight 2005 on the Civil Aviation Internet site Updates are done annually.
Re-design and populate the Civil Aviation web site with additional and updated aviation safety information
  • Centralized Civil Aviation Web Team established in the Summer of 2002.
  • The number of WEBSITE users has significantly increased based on the monthly statistics from year 2002 to year 2003.
  • August 2002: 1,830,000 hits; 160,000 unique visitors.

    September 2003: 17,293,805 hits; 817,865 unique visitors.

  • Some key publications have been made available on-line (for example, Scoring your safety culture checklist has been posted to the web).
  • Articles on topical safety issues continue to be published in appropriate safety newsletters and posted to the web.
  • Relevance of Civil Aviation information to be also assured in accordance with Civil Aviation's Integrated Management System. Document framework Structure being reviewed/revised to facilitate user interaction.
Enhance and migrate automated databases onto the Civil Aviation web site
  • The Minister's Delegate Module which allows searching the National Aviation Company Information System (NACIS) application for Maintenance & Manufacturing Delegates has been posted on the web.
  • The Continuing Airworthiness Web Information System (CAWIS) application, to be implemented in 2004, will provide access on the Web for Continuing Airworthiness information, some of which is currently only available internally from the Continuing Airworthiness Information System (CAIS), a mainframe application.
  • The National Aeronautical Product Approval (NAPA) Delegate Web Link was implemented in 2003 to allow Aircraft Certification Delegates to print and track their own certificates.
  • The Flight Training and Aviation Education (FTAE) Computer Delivered Examination (CDE) module went online in 2003 to allow the administering of flight training examinations through the web from designated flight schools.
  • The Activity Reporting and Standards System (ARASS) database is being redeveloped for the Intranet and will be implemented nationally in Spring 2004.
  • The Enforcement Management System (EMS) was redeveloped as an Intranet application for use by HQ and Regional Aviation Enforcement personnel in 2003.
  • The Civil Aviation Medical Information System (CAMIS) went online November 2002, to replace the mainframe NACIS system in HQ and Regional CAM offices. The team is currently in Phase Two, which will consist of a pilot project with selected Civil Aviation Medical Examiners offices, working as delegates on behalf of the Minister.
  • A National Aeronautical Product Approval (NAPA) delegates document creation and web link system has been developed and implemented, second Quarter of 2003. Delegate training and briefings have been done and this represents a government first in permitting delegated industry modification approval documents to be placed directly on the Transport Canada web.
Enhance the Civil Aviation publications web database to permit automated ordering and payment Departmental initiative underway – iStore – to replace Civil Aviation's database. Implementation is planned initially for Civil Aviation's publications in April 2004 with a three-year plan to add the rest of the department's publications.
Publish the names of corporate offenders Names are published in accordance with established policy.

Expected Result:

Stakeholders are well-informed on aviation safety.


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