Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Finding Help in Your Community

Are you a newcomer who is looking for help in your community? There are many organizations that provide help to newcomers.

Finding Help in Your Community
The organizations that help newcomers settle across the country are listed in this directory. The directory is organized by province.

Language Training Centres
Free language training is available across the country for adult permanent residents. In most provinces, the name of the program is LINC, which stands for Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada.

Key Information Sources
This lists key federal and provincial government telephone numbers and Internet addresses, which may be helpful to you as a newcomer to Canada.

Radio Canada International (RCI)
RCI Viva is a Web service that addresses issues commonly faced by people who have immigrated to Canada or are considering doing so. It includes a multi-language Web radio service that covers such things as information to help immigrants discover their new home, tools to improve language skills, and discussion boards. Ontario
This website has useful information about settling in Ontario.