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The Recycling Club

When you join the Recycling Club you help your community recycling depot, you help keep your community litter-free and earn some great prizes!

The Club is sponsored by Yukon Environment, the Recycling Fund and participating businesses.

Raven Recycling is responsible for points and prizes on behalf of the Club and other Yukon recycling depots.

How to Become a Member

Pick up a copy of the Recycling Club Prize Guide, fill out the registration form at the back of the booklet and take it to your local recycling centre, or mail it to the Club. You can't collect points without a membership number.

Even if you were a club member last year, you still need a new membership number this year. But remember, you can only be a member of the Club if you are a Yukon resident between the ages of 4 and 16.

If you live in a community without a recycling depot, you will have to find a way to get containers to a participating recycling depot.

Collecting Points
Claiming Prizes

The Club runs mid-May to mid-October. All points must be converted to prize vouchers before mid-November. Then remember to pick up your prize before mid-January.

Check the Club Catalog for this year's exact dates.

For more information contact:

Raven Recycling Society
100 Galena Road
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2W6
Phone: (867) 667-7269
Fax: (867) 668-5744

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