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Trapper Education

Trapper training recently became an important requirement for licensed trappers and concession holders.

Members of group traplines are considered concession holders, and therefore must also meet this requirement to be maintained on the group membership.

The Yukon Trappers Association (YTA) offers a five-day Basic Trapper Training Workshop to help you meet this requirement. You should contact the YTA early in the fall to find out the location of the workshop being held nearest to you. Workshops rotate through Yukon communities over a three-year period. It is important to register early as workshops may be cancelled due to a perceived lack of interest.

Previously licensed trappers 65 years and older are exempt from the training requirement. Any trapper who has not been licensed for 10 years or more is required to take a Basic workshop.

Graduation from recognized trapper training in another territory or province may also meet the licence requirements.

For more information contact the Fur Harvest Technician at Environment Yukon at (867) 667-8403 or the Yukon Trappers Association at (867) 667-7091.

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