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Life Events

What to Do When Someone Dies

Death is a fact of life we must all face at some point. Whether the death is anticipated or unexpected, we will be confronted with diverse emotions and critical decisions during a difficult time. We hope the information and resources gathered on this site will be of assistance to you.

  • Call the attending physician if there is an expected death. If the death is unexpected, there is no doctor available and no emergency services in your area, or you are concerned or uncertain about the circumstances surrounding a death, contact your local coroner's office or the Office of the Chief Coroner.

  • If your arrangements will include a funeral or a direct disposition you may contact a funeral home or a transfer service. Funeral directors can help you make all the arrangements for funerals. For more information, contact the Board of Funeral Services (416-979-5450 / 1 800 387-4458).

  • Should your arrangements also include burial or cremation the cemetery or crematorium you choose can help you make the necessary arrangements. If you have questions relating to cemeteries and crematoriums and the services and supplies that they offer, contact the Ministry of Government Services, Cemeteries Section (416-326-8393 / 1 800 268-1142).

  • There are organizations such as Bereaved Families of Ontario, the Ontario Psychological Association, and Distress Centres who can help you through this time.

Quick Links:

Death Out of Country: To report the death of a Canadian citizen who has died abroad, contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate abroad or the Emergency Operations Centre of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.

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Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2007
Last Modified: October 11, 2007