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Small Business Week 2007

Small Business Week 2007 - A world without boundaries open to new markets

In today's business world, Canadian entrepreneurs need to take advantage of the tremendous opportunities that are arising in "a world without boundaries, open to new markets".

Every year for the past 28 years, BDC has organized Small Business Week (SBW) to pay tribute to Canadian entrepreneurs, creating opportunities for them to:

  • share success stories
  • talk to leading business experts and BDC consultants
  • exchange innovative ideas
  • participate in conferences, trade fairs, seminars, workshops, and business luncheons

A wide range of activities
Throughout SBW hundreds of activities are held across Canada. This unprecedented synergy results from the active participation of members of chambers of commerce and from our partners/sponsors in organizing events in BDC branches and elsewhere.

A calendar of events to be held in your region will be available on our website and at your local BDC branch.

The world's developing economies are growing at a rapid pace and giving rise to huge business opportunities. Businesses across the globe are already setting their sights on the enormous potential of these expanding new economies and Canada's entrepreneurs are adjusting successfully to the changes in the global economy. This is why SBW 2007 will be held under the theme:
A world without boundaries, open to new markets.

National launch of SBW
The events surrounding the national launch of SBW take place in a different city every year. A number of local entrepreneurs, federal and provincial government representatives and prominent business leaders are invited to attend.

The 2007 Small Business Week launch will take place in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Young Entrepreneur Awards
For the past 20 years, the highlight of SBW's national launch remains the Young Entrepreneur Awards Ceremony. These awards are presented to young entrepreneurs between the ages of 19 and 35 (representing Canada's 13 provinces and territories) who have distinguished themselves for their business sense and innovative spirit.

Two other awards: Rogers Business Transition Award and EDC Export Excellence Award are given during the ceremony and are also part of the YEA contest.

BDC to celebrate entrepreneurs from October 14 to 20, 2007
BDC supports Canada's entrepreneurs, and will join them during SBW in exploring ways of tapping into the burgeoning spending power of emerging markets across the globe among other topics. By sharing innovative ideas, business owners will learn from each other and enlighten us on the secrets of powering entrepreneurial success in Canada.

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Small Business Week

Privileged Partner
 BDC 2007 Small Business Week, Privileged Partner: The Canadian Chamber of commerce
National Partner of BDC Small Business Week: Pan Canadian Community Futures Network (SADC)
National Partners

National Partner of BDC Small Business Week: Export Development Canada (EDC)

 National Partner of BDC Small Business Week: Rogers

National Partner of BDC Small Business Week: Western Economic Diversification Canada
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