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Gouvernment On-Line Project Office

Terms of Reference - GOL Steering Committee

Related Documents

Document Date Author
A Framework for Government On-Line 00-02-25 Treasury Board
Getting Transport Canada On-Line 00-06-13 Corporate Audit and Advisory Services
A Framework for Government On-Line:
Tier Two Guidelines
00-07-06 Treasury Board

Management Sign-Off

Title Signature Date
J. Milne
Assistant Deputy Minister
Corporate Services 
Signed by 
Janet Milne
Mark Duncan
Regional Director General
Pacific Region
Signed by 
Mark Duncan


In the October 12th, 1999 Speech from the Throne, the federal government reaffirmed the importance of information technology to its service delivery vision.

The Government will become a model user of information technology and the Internet. By 2004, our goal is to be known around the world as the government most connected to its citizens, with Canadians able to access all government information and services on-line at the time and place of their choosing.

The Government On-Line (GOL) initiative is the focal point for ensuring a comprehensive horizontal strategy for the use of electronic service delivery (ESD) by federal departments and agencies to reach Canadians. The GOL initiative will combine electronic technologies with a citizen-centred delivery model to deliver integrated services. It will require rethinking the delivery of services from the client's perspective both within and across departments and agencies.

The initiative has three key objectives:

i)         Improving Service to Canadians;
ii)        A Catalyst for Electronic Commerce; and,
iii)       Government for the 21st Century

The framework developed by the GOL Project Management Office within the Treasury Board Secretariat, Chief Information Officer Branch establishes three steps or tiers of targets. These tiers will build on one another towards full secure ESD for the Government of Canada.

Tier 1: Tier 2: Tier 3:
Federal On-Line Presence
December 31, 2000
Federal ESD
50% by December 31, 2002
100% by December 31, 2004
Inter-Jurisdictional  ESD  
2000 and Beyond

Transport Canada is well positioned to meet the Tier One objectives.  In order to meet the Tier Two and Tier Three objectives, the department needs to initiate a concerted effort to successfully meet this challenge.  The effort needs to include all departmental services, both internal and external, and  needs to include all TC Groups and Regions; all TC clients; other federal government departments and agencies; and, other external stakeholders including, where appropriate, provincial and municipal partners.

2.     Purpose

Under the overall direction of TMX, the purpose of the Government On-Line Steering Committee (GOL-SC) is to provide strategic guidance, advice and two way communication with respect to the overall direction of GOL within Transport Canada.  General responsibilities will include:

  • the provision of direction and advice to the GOL Executive Director and the GOL Project Office;
  • defining the principles that will guide the department's efforts;
  • the establishment of subordinate sub-committees and working groups;
  • the provision of guidance and instruction to the aforementioned subordinate sub-committees and working groups;
  • encouraging the active participation of all TC managers and employees in the GOL initiative;
  • the identification of horizontal issues, the cross fertilization of ideas and the  prevention of duplication;
  • the identification of GOL priorities; and,
  • the approval and ongoing monitoring of project plans for all GOL initiatives.

Committee members are responsible for ensuring that all committee deliberations are reported back to their respective Group and Regional management committees.

3.     Membership

The GOL-SC, will be led by the Departmental Co-champions for Government On-Line, one of whom will be the ADM Corporate Services, the other being a regional TMX member.  The Committee will be comprised of senior representatives from all Groups and Regions.  Membership of the Committee may be expanded should a need arise for specific expertise or services. Committee members are listed in Appendix A.

Secretariat services for the GOL-SC will be provided by the GOL Project Office.

4.     Processes

The GOL-SC is intended to provide the strategic direction for current and any future GOL initiatives.   The Steering Committee should seek advice on IM/IT feasibility of GOL projects from DISC before making proposals for TMX approval/agreement.  This Committee will ensure its direction is complimentary to the work and direction set by existing Departmental Informatics Steering Committee (DISC) and the Departmental IT/IM Framework

 4.1     Timing

The GOL-SC will meet on a monthly basis (initially), bi-monthly thereafter. Meetings will be structured with an agenda and decision records produced by the secretariat  and approved by the chairs.

Items for the consideration of the Committee will be submitted to the Secretary at least one week in advance by any member.  Any supporting documentation for distribution to the SC must be submitted in a bilingual format.

The Co-chairs will provide regular updates to TMX on project progress

4.2   Scope

The GOL-SC will focus primarily on the strategic direction of GOL projects and the active promotion of GOL activities within Transport Canada.  Day to day operational issues regarding specific applications or initiatives are expected to be handled by the functional/technical organizations responsible for the system operations and maintenance. 

The GOL SC will oversee all investments proposed under the aegis of the GOL initiative and will make recommendations to TMX in this regard through the development of an investment plan with clear links to the business planning process.  The GOL SC will also monitor the progression of projects to ensure the department is respecting government commitments with respect to electronic service delivery.

The GOL SC will ensure appropriate linkages are made with any other related committees, whether inter or intra-departmental  (see appendix B).

5.     Appendix A - GOL Steering Committee Membership

Member Title Representing
Janet Milne Assistant Deputy Minister
Corporate Services
Mark Duncan Regional Director General
Pacific Region
Gerard McDonald Executive Director
Government On-Line
Project Office
Chris Molinski A/Director General
Technology and Information Management Services
IT/IM & DISC Liaison
Joe Camulli  Inspector
Commercial & Business Aviation
Pacific Region
Dianna Barrow Analyst
Information Technology Services 
Prairie and Northern Region
 Larry Dart Regional Director
Corporate Services
Ontario Region
Paul Kavanagh Regional Director
Security and Emergency Planning
Ontario Region
Donald Beaulieu Regional Director
Quebec Region
Maurice Landry Regional Director
Atlantic Region
Phil Hurcomb Director General Communications
A. Morency Director General
Finance and Administration
Corporate Services
Gaétan Boucher Director General
Safety Programs, Strategies and Coordination
Safety and Security
Hal Whiteman Director General
Security and Emergency Preparedness
Safety and Security
Jean-Pierre Roy Director
Economic Research
Warren Johannson Director
Planning & Coordination
Programs and Divestiture
Sherill Besser Senior Counsel Legal Services
Nicole Carvell Project Manager
GOL Project Office
Committee Secretary

 6.     Appendix B -  Other GOL Related Committees

  • Electronic Service Delivery Committee (ESDC) - chaired by TBS (Gerard McDonald)
  • Common Look and Feel Committee - chaired by TBS and PWGSC (Barbara Dundas)
  • Interdepartmental Consumer Gateway Committee - chaired by Industry Canada (Kathy Dobbin)
  • Interdepartmental Committee on Information Highway - chaired by Industry Canada (Marcel Therrien - Quebec)
  • Treasury Board Secretariat Internet Advisory Committee (Gary Milks)
  • Government of Canada Portal Working Group (Canada Site) - chaired by TBS & PWGSC (Gary Milks and Barbara Dundas)
  • Foreign Client Portal Working Group - chaired by DFAIT (Barbara Dundas) (formerly International Portal Working Group
  • E-Commerce Directors Information Forum - chaired by TBS & PWGSC (Robert Lalonde)

Version 1.4 (2001-01-19)

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