Transport Canada
    Vehicle Importation from the United States

Thinking about buying a vehicle in the US? Get the Facts!

Before buying a vehicle in the U.S., make sure the vehicle meets Canadian motor vehicle safety standards and is admissible by checking information about how to import a vehicle, and by checking Transport Canada's List of Admissible Vehicles from the U.S.

Cross Border Shopping Is Not the Best Deal for Your Child's Safety

Cross Border Shopping Is Not the Best Deal for Your Child's Safety

Cross border shopping may be cheap and convenient, but when it comes to buying a child's car seat or booster seat for use in Canada, Transport Canada warns consumers that it is illegal. [More... ]

The Honourable Lawrence Cannon

The three elements of my expanded portfolio — transportation, infrastructure and communities — are a point of convergence for some of the most important issues facing Canada : the productivity of our economy; transportation safety and security; environmental sustainability; and the quality of life in our cities and communities.

Meet Lawrence Cannon...


Avoid unnecessary idling …

Most cars take only thirty seconds to warm up – even in extreme cold. So help the environment this winter by avoiding unnecessary idling.