National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

Roses Sing on New Snow


Maylin cooks mouth-watering meals at her father's restaurant in Chinatown, but her father and brothers take all the credit. When a dignitary from China arrives for a sumptuous banquet, Maylin's father serves him her special dish, Roses Sing on New Snow. The visitor is so impressed that he demands the recipe! After her brothers fail miserably at recreating it, the father must call for his daughter. Maylin demonstrates as the dignitary follows every step. After tasting his own cooking, the man realizes he cannot duplicate the dish. The chef is the most important ingredient of all! Maylin finally receives the credit she deserves for her inspired fusion of Old and New World cuisine.

Roses Sing on New Snow is part of the NFB's Talespinners collection. Created for children aged five to nine, Talespinners uses vibrant animation to bring popular stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.

2002, 07 min 04 s

Directed by
Yuan Zhang
Produced by
Tamara Lynch
Production Agency
National Film Board of Canada

On Television

    • 12/29/2007 at 11:16 AM
    • 01/18/2008 at 10:44 AM
    • 02/04/2008 at 10:51 AM
    • 03/10/2008 at 10:49 AM
    • 04/14/2008 at 10:46 AM


Yuan Zhang
Denis Banville
Velislav Kazakov
Consulting director
Sheldon Cohen
Animation production supervisor
Marie Renaud
Digital imaging specialist
Normand Gauthier
Susan Gourley
Lead infographist
Dominic Tremblay
Itsik Romano
Jon Gasco
Randall Finnerty
Assistant infographist
Michel Provençal
Michelle MacDonald
Jean-Marc Brosseau
Video output
Jean-Marc Brosseau
Yuan Zhang
Yuan Zhang
Additional animation
Averkios Maltezos
Monica Rho
Yuan Zhang
Storyboard consultant
Sheldon Cohen
Marie Renaud
Sugith Varughese
Mung-Ling Tsui
Picture editor
Phyllis Lewis
Normand Roger
Sound design
Normand Roger
Sound design - collaboration
Denis Chartrand
Sound editor
Pierre-Yves Drapeau
Line test editor
Michel Pelland
Serge Boivin
Jean Paul Vialard
Technical co-ordinator
Richard Lesage
Studio administration
Gisèle Guilbault
Andrée Lachapelle
Executive producer
David Verrall
Tamara Lynch


  • Certificate of Excellence - Category: Animated short Film given by the Adult Jury

    International Children's Film Festival
    October 24 to November 3 2002, Chicago - USA
  • Honorable Mention - Category: Education and Information

    International Film and Video Festival
    October 23 to 25 2002, Columbus - USA

National Film Board of Canada Production
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