Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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Canada and Spain Collaborative Marine Science Initiative

September 2007

The fishing industry is very important to both Canada and Spain. By establishing broader science networks, each country can learn from one another and improve its marine science capacity.

This is why Canada and Spain have launched a Marine Science Collaboration Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to establish joint collaborative marine science projects of mutual interest to both countries.

Renewing our commitment to science

In March 2007, Fisheries and Oceans Canada hosted a Spain-Canada workshop in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. The purpose of this workshop was to advance collaborative science supporting the sustainable management of both nations’ fisheries and oceans.

More than forty Canadian and Spanish scientists, from universities and government departments, participated in the workshop. And, by the close of the session, four broad research areas were proposed for collaborative work: fisheries science, aquatic invasive species, aquatic animal health, and aquaculture and genomics.

A month later, on April 30, 2007, a Letter of Intent was signed between Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Spain’s Ministry of Science and Education formalizing the previous month’s discussions, and committing both countries to establishing joint, collaborative marine science projects.

This Canada – Spain agreement provides a framework for selecting scientific projects of mutual interest, defining support (both financial and human resources), and identifying funding instruments and other provisions that may be required.

In addition, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Ministry of Science and Education each have committed $100K to advance science projects this fiscal year. So far, this money has been used to fund initial research projects on fisheries science ($25K) and aquatic invasive species ($25K).

In August 2007, DFO scientists collaborated with their Spanish counterparts on a scientific survey on Greenland halibut and other species in Division 3L in Canadian waters as an extension of its current survey work in Division 3L in the NAFO Regulatory Area. This research will increase our knowledge of straddling stocks and provide a greater joint understanding of the Grand Banks ecosystem.

Regular teleconference calls between Spain and Canada keep the Marine Science Collaboration Initiative advancing and information on fisheries science and survey activities flowing. In addition, senior Canadian officials, and officials from Genome Canada, are planning to travel to Spain in October 2007 to discuss possible genomics research and other science projects with Spanish officials.


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    Last updated: 2007-09-07

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