Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA) Regulatory Conservation Objectives and Management Actions

July 2007

Regulatory Conservation Objective:
  • Conserve and protect the Gilbert Bay cod population and its habitats
Management Action Related Legislation
Ensure commercial fishing for cod does not take place within the MPA:

Already in place:
  • Prohibition of commercial cod fishing within all zones of the MPA.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations
Ensure recreational fishing for cod does not take place within the MPA:

Already in place:
  • Prohibition of recreational cod fishing within Zones 1 and 2 of the MPA. Zone 3 is protected by 2J3KL moratorium. Zone 3 was closed to recreational fishing during August 2006 (in consultation with steering committee) under a variation order.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations

Fisheries Act
Monitor the cod population in Gilbert Bay:

Short Term Goals:
  • To acoustically tag Atlantic cod, and expand the remote sonic receiver network throughout Gilbert Bay to better understand movement patterns of cod. This would be accomplished through the addition of sonic tags and additional receivers to the existing networks already in place. Specific objectives are to better understand spillover, and fish-habitat associations.
  • To continue with external tagging program to monitor movement, growth rates, effects of fishing mortality, and provide data for continued population estimates of Gilbert Bay cod.
  • To monitor physiological health of the cod population through sampling of a small portion of cod population. Data will include length, weight, liver weight, stomach contents, sex and sexual maturity status, and otoliths for growth rate.
  • Sample zooplankton community, as well as cod eggs, larvae, and pelagic juveniles.
  • Collect physical oceanographic information in the MPA related to the behaviour of Atlantic cod.
Long Term Goals:
  • Monitor the Gilbert Bay cod population in a scientific manner to identify potential changes over time (i.e. changes in distribution, size, health, mortality rate, etc)
  • Provide the necessary information to undertake a comprehensive population assessment, when required
  • Provide the necessary information to understand and to undertake the study of cod recruitment and mortality
  • Understand relationships between cod behaviour and habitat associations
  • Undertake monitoring of cod reproduction and larval abundance.
  • Scientific research on the physiological health of the cod population.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations

Fisheries Act

Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations

Fisheries Act
Identify critical habitats for Gilbert Bay cod:

Short Term Goals:
  • To proceed with Phase Three of the multibeam survey. This phase proposes to identify the habitat in the more shallow areas of the bay, specifically the Shinneys, and to determine if this habitat is important to juvenile cod.
Long Term Goals:
  • To continue to monitor these areas
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations
Ensure scientific research is for the purpose of conservation, protection, ecological understanding or improvement of the Gilbert Bay MPA.
  • An activity plan and approval process has been implemented to regulate scientific and educational activities within the MPA. This is outlined in Section 5 of the Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations.
Ensure water quality is maintained:

Short Term Goals:
  • Continue to monitor sewage outfall annually in William’s Harbour until 2009 to ensure that there are no future or significant impacts. If there isn’t, the outfall can be reassessed to determine if annual monitoring is necessary.
  • To inform appropriate regulators of the status of abandoned tanks in the area and to express concerns regarding this issue.
Long Term Goals:
  • To ensure that environmental threats such as floatables, oils, odours, water quality, and impacts on habitat meet the Marine Environmental Quality objectives outlined for the area and remain within provincial guidelines. A monitoring program has been designed to ensure these guidelines are met.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations

Fisheries Act

Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Protection Act

Provincial Water and Sewer Regulations
Understand the predator-prey relationship of cod in Gilbert Bay

Short Term Goals:
  • Compile existing information with respect to seals in Gilbert Bay and identify information gaps by 2009
Long Term Goals:
  • Conduct population estimate of seals in Gilbert Bay. This may be accomplished through onboard and aerial surveys or through a sighting program.
  • Identify the level importance of cod in the diet of seals within the bay through biological sampling and diet analysis.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations

Marine Mammal Regulations
Non-Regulatory Conservation Objective:
  • Conserve and protect the Gilbert Bay marine ecosystem
Management Action Related Legislation
Describe the inter-tidal and sub-tidal biotopes:

Long Term Goals:
  • Conduct inter-tidal and sub-tidal surveys to identify and map the biotopes of Gilbert Bay.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations
Identify the importance of Gilbert Bay for marine mammals:

Short Term Goals:
  • Compile existing information with respect to marine mammals and identify any information gaps.
Long Term Goals:
  • Establish a sighting program for marine mammals.
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations.

Marine Mammals Regulations

Atlantic Fishery Regulations 1985, the Newfoundland Fishery Regulations 1993 and/or the Fishery (General) Regulations.

Monitor the impacts of fishing activities within Gilbert Bay:

Short Term Goals:
  • Monitor the impact of scallop dredging on cod habitat.
Long Term Goals:
  • Monitor the impact of other commercial fishing activities on the marine environment
Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulations
Monitor the potential impact of forestry operations in the watersheds associated with Gilbert Bay:

Long Term Goals:
  • DFO and Gilbert Bay Steering Committee to work closely with the Department of Natural Resources to ensure forestry operations in the Gilbert Bay and adjacent watershed areas have minimal impact on the Gilbert Bay ecosystem.
Forestry Act
Support environmental impact assessments for proposed new developments

Short Term Goals:
  • Discuss concerns with respect to cabin/cottage development with the Dept. of Environment & Conservation.
Long Term Goals:
  • If considered appropriate, environmental assessments can be supported for new developments.
Lands Act 1991, Fisheries Act and Navigable Waters Protection Act
Non-Regulatory Conservation Objective:
  • Promote Scientific research opportunities that will benefit the marine ecosystem of Gilbert Bay
Encourage appropriate scientific research and partnerships

Short Term Goals:
  • Collaboration with Newfoundland and Labrador Legacy Nature Trust to meet needs of a community coordinator in 2006.
  • Renewal of the collaborative agreement with Memorial University in 2007 to provide scientific support for MPA related research.
  • Development of Activity Plans and Approvals as outlined in Section 5.0 in the MPA Regulations.
  • Encourage honours, graduate and doctoral students to focus their research on understanding the Gilbert Bay ecosystem.
Long Term Goals:
  • Renewal of collaborative agreement with MUN
  • Continued partnership with LMN for additional patrol in Gilbert Bay by river guardians

Non-Regulatory Conservation Objective:
  • Promote public awareness and education of the Gilbert Bay MPA
Raise public awareness and education:

Short Term Goals:
  • To develop, produce, and distribute future issues of the Coastal Current.
  • Maintain Gilbert Bay MPA Website.
  • Develop an educational package (flyers, posters, pamphlets)
  • Continue participation at annual Golden Cod Festival
  • Engage LMN in educational/public awareness initiatives.
  • Continuation of steering committee meetings to ensure stakeholder support and involvement
  • Annual Science Briefing Meeting
  • Annual Regional MPA Update and Science Workshop
Long Term Goals:
  • To increase public awareness through publication of brochures, involvement in community events, promote education, and participation in festivals such as the Golden Cod Festival.



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    Last updated: 2007-07-18

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