Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Deep Sea Discoveries off Canada’s East Coast

september 2007

photo album
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ROPOS (Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean Science), the underwater submersible used on 
      <i>CCGS Hudson</i> to conduct research in the waters off the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
ROPOS (Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean Science), the underwater submersible used on CCGS Hudson to conduct research in the waters off the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

This Dumbo Octopus from the Sable Gully MPA received its name because of the large fins located on either side of its head.
This Dumbo Octopus from the Sable Gully MPA received its name because of the large fins located on either side of its head.

A small amphipod found living amongst the deepwater coral.
A small amphipod found living amongst the deepwater coral.

Bubblegum coral (Paragorgia arborea) from the Sable Gully.
Bubblegum coral (Paragorgia arborea) from the Sable Gully.

Colourful coral species on a vertical cliff in the Stone Fence. The ROPOS mission uncovered coral as old as 800 years.
Colourful coral species on a vertical cliff in the Stone Fence. The ROPOS mission uncovered coral as old as 800 years.

The coral Anthomastus sp. (red) growing with sponges near the Stone Fence.
The coral Anthomastus sp. (red) growing with sponges near the Stone Fence.

Cup Coral and an as yet unidentified purple octocoral located in the Stone Fence.
Cup Coral and an as yet unidentified purple octocoral located in the Stone Fence.

An octopus from the Stone Fence.
An octopus from the Stone Fence.

A brightly coloured seastar.
A brightly coloured seastar.
File shells from the Sable Gully. This species was previously unknown in this region and may be a new species to science.
File shells from the Sable Gully. This species was previously unknown in this region and may be a new species to science.
Burrowing crab from the Haddock Channel.
Burrowing crab from the Haddock Channel.
Anemone from the Haddock Channel.
Anemone from the Haddock Channel.
Sponge and Cup Corals in the Sable Gully.
Sponge and Cup Corals in the Sable Gully.
A Basket Star embedded in Bubblegum Coral.
A Basket Star embedded in Bubblegum Coral.
A deep-sea sponge from the Sable Gully.
A deep-sea sponge from the Sable Gully.
Colourful gorgonian coral from the Sable Gully.
Colourful gorgonian coral from the Sable Gully.
Sea Corn (Primnoa resedaeformis) from the Stone Fence.
Sea Corn (Primnoa resedaeformis) from the Stone Fence.
Black Coral located on a vertical cliff in the Stone Fence.
Black Coral located on a vertical cliff in the Stone Fence.
A sea spider from the Sable Gully.
A sea spider from the Sable Gully.
A brightly coloured coral from the Sable Gully.
A brightly coloured coral from the Sable Gully.
Brittle Star from the Sable Gully.
Brittle Star from the Sable Gully.
Bubblegum Coral (Paragorgia johnsoni) with brittlestars from the Sable Gully. This coral species was previously unknown in Canada.
Bubblegum Coral (Paragorgia johnsoni) with brittlestars from the Sable Gully. This coral species was previously unknown in Canada.
Pollock and Red Fish from the Stone Fence.
Pollock and Red Fish from the Stone Fence.
A deepwater fish from the Haddock Channel, SW Grand Banks.
A deepwater fish from the Haddock Channel, SW Grand Banks.

    Last updated: 2007-09-26

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