Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Impacts of Severe Arctic Storms and Climate Change on Arctic Oceanographic Processes

The focus of this project is to understand the effects of intense storms and severe Arctic weather on coastal regions. The locations that will be studied are the Southern Beaufort Sea and the Western Canadian  Arctic.

Climate change influences storms and severe weather by altering the areas of open water and ice cover. Ocean surface flows modulate storm development, storm direction, and marine winds. Increased open water in the Arctic affects Arctic weather.

Scientific research will examine the following ocean processes: waves, storms, ocean currents, marine winds, erosion, and sediment  deposits.

Coastal land and water are vital to the people of Northern Canada. The coast is an important part of their daily lives and culture. Arctic storms have an effect on sediments, erosion, waves, and surges. Changes that occur in these areas influence arctic lifestyle, aquatic species, and resource  development.

Arctic storms seem to be growing in strength. Increased understanding of storms and patterns will provide information beneficial to  Northerners.

For more information contact:
Dr. William Perrie
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
1 Challenger Drive
P.O. Box 1006
Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4A2
Tel: (902) 426-3985

©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2007
Cat. No. Fs23-523/4-2007E
ISBN 978-0-662-46355-9

Impacts of Severe Arctic Storms and Climate Change on Arctic Oceanographic Processes (PDF 3.4 Mb)Portable Document Format



Last updated : 2007-07-13

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