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Chamber Business
House of Commons
Changes to our Website

The parliamentary institutions accept no responsibility should any damages be caused to a person as a result of the use that is made of information provided in, or taken from, this site or as a result of reliance on the information available on the site.

This disclaimer of liability also applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of information under any cause of action.

This disclaimer of liability also applies to any changes that may occur to the site configuration or to any addition of new parameters.

As a result of a general re-design of the Chamber Business and Bills sections of our website, many pages were moved to a new location. Although each page was redirected to its new location, webmasters and content authors who link to our website are advised to update their pages using the following rules:

ASP Pages which had the following pattern:

  • {URL}/common/Chamber_House_Debates.asp
  • {URL}/common/Chamber_House_Journals.asp
  • {URL}/common/Chamber_House_iDebates.asp
  • {URL}/common/Chamber_House_iJournals.asp
  • {URL}/common/Chamber_House_OrderPaper.asp (latest)
  • {URL}/common/Bills_House_Government.asp
  • {URL}/common/Bills_House_Private.asp

Are now following this pattern (In the same order):

  • {URL}/HouseChamberBusiness/ChamberSittings.aspx?View=H&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=39&Ses;=1
  • {URL}/HouseChamberBusiness/ChamberSittings.aspx?View=J&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=39&Ses;=1
  • {URL}/HouseChamberBusiness/ChamberIndex.aspx?View=H&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=38&Ses;=1
  • {URL}/HouseChamberBusiness/ChamberIndex.aspx?View=J&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=38&Ses;=1
  • {URL}/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Pub=NoticeOrder&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=39&Ses;=1 (latest)
  • {URL}/HouseBills/BillsGovernment.aspx?Language=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=39&Ses;=1
  • {URL}/HouseBills/BillsPrivate.aspx?Language=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=39&Ses;=1

Legend of the new parameters:

Parameter Description
View H = Debates (Hansard)
J = Journals
N = Notice and Order Paper
ChamberSittings.aspx and ChamberIndex.aspx only
Language E = English
F = French
Mode 1 = Graphics Mode
2 = Text only Mode
Parl Parliament (35, 36, 37…)
Ses Session (1, 2, 3…)

Parliamentary Documents

Static documents that used to reside in the following locations

  • {URL}/35/1/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/35/2/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/36/1/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/36/2/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/37/3/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/38/1/parlbus/chambus/house
  • {URL}/39/1/parlbus/chambus/house

Are now only available via an application and it will no longer be possible to access the HTML pages
This is the new application URL:

  • {URL}/HousePublications/Publication.aspx

This application will accept the following query string parameters:

Parameter Description
Pub Hansard = Debates (Hansard)
Journals = Journals
NoticeOrder = Notice and Order Paper
Bill = Bill
Doc Publication number (Sitting number, bill number)
Language E = English
F = French
Mode 1 = Graphics Mode
2 = Text only Mode
Parl Parliament (35, 36, 37…)
Ses Session (1, 2, 3…)
Time (Optional) #Ttime where time in the HHMM format.

Examples of some of the changes are:

Hansard - Complete
Before: {URL}/38/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/068_2005-03-09/HAN068-E.htm
After: {URL}/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Pub=Hansard&Doc;=68&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=38&Ses;=1

Hansard - Fragment of 5 minutes
Before: {URL}/38/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/068_2005-03-09/han068_1425-E.htm
After: {URL}/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Pub=Hansard&Doc;=68&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=38&Ses;=1#T1425

Before: {URL}/38/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-10/C-10_1/C-10_cover-e.html
After: {URL}/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Pub=Bill&Doc;=C-10_1&Language;=E&Mode;=1&Parl;=38&Ses;=1