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OUR PUBLICATIONS: Research & General Reports

Most of the publications listed below can be downloaded from our web site. For more information on any of the publications listed below, contact us at

  • 2006 Home Support Exercise Program (HSEP) in Alberta: Chinook Health Region Pilot-Test Evaluation Results
    Executive Summary: pdf
    Full Report: pdf
  • 2006 Understanding Reported Rates of Physical Activity: Comparing the
    Results of the Alberta Survey on Physical Activity and
    Canadian Community Health Survey
    Executive Summary: pdf
    Full Report: pdf
  • 2006 Helping Older People Be Active at Home: The Effectiveness of the Home Support Exercise Program (HSEP)
    Executive Summary: html or pdf
    Full Report: html or pdf
  • 2005 Alberta Survey on Physical Activity: html or pdf
  • 2004 Environmental Scan of Workplace Wellness Programs in Alberta: html or pdf
  • 2003 Workplace Physical Activity Framework
    English version: html or pdf
    French version: Program Standard and Audit Tool
  • 2002 Alberta Survey on Physical Activity: html or pdf
  • 2001 Evidence of Effective Active Living Interventions: pdf
  • 2001 Alberta Physical Education Study            pdf
  • 2000 Workplace Active Living: A Needs Assessment: html
  • 1999 Alberta Survey on Physical Activity: html or pdf
  • 1999 Availability of Physical Activity Programs in Alberta Continuing Care Facilities: html or pdf
  • 1997 Alberta Survey on Physical Activity: html
  • 1997 Alberta Schools' Athletic Association Student Survey: html
  • 1996 Canadian Active Living Challenge Program Evaluation
  • 1996 Alberta Sport and Recreation Injury Survey: html
  • 1995 Alberta Survey on Physical Activity
  • 1993 Alberta Active Living Survey
  • 1992 Survey of Workplace Physical Activity and Health Promotion Programs