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Overview of the Aging Workforce Challenges: Current Practices

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Collective agreements may support older workers in their decision to continue working

Training and Retraining Workers

On-the job training

St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada, Local 4320 (CAW-Canada) (2001-2003): "Employees shall be encouraged to learn the duties of other positions and every opportunity shall be afforded them to learn the work of such other positions in their own time or during their working hours when it will not unduly interfere with the performance of their duties. For this purpose, applicants for training for promotion shall be selected in order of seniority except as otherwise agreed between the Corporation and the Union."

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Technological Change

Aéroports de Montréal and Syndicat des employé(e)s des aéroports de Montréal (CSD) (1998-2001): "If the implementation of technological change renders an employee unable to perform his or her duties, the Employer must provide the employee with job-related retraining, provided that the employee has the knowledge and potential required to undergo retraining." [translation]

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Apprenticeship Programs

Canada Post Corporation and Canadian Union of Postal Workers (2000-2003): "The most senior applicants who meet the requirements must pass an aptitude test administered by a school or college chosen by the Committee and recognized for technical training programs."

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Mentoring programs

Ontario Hospital Association and Ontario Nurses’ Association (1998-2001): "Nurses may, from time to time, be assigned a formal mentorship role for a designated nurse. (…) The Hospital will pay the nurse for this assigned additional responsibility a premium of sixty (60¢) cents per hour, in addition to her or his regular salary and applicable premium allowance."

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Rethinking Work Arrangements

Shift Selection

Navistar International Corporation Canada and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 127 (1999-2002): "Senior employees shall have a choice of shifts within their own classification and department when a multiple shift is in effect, and must remain on the shift selected for a minimum of thirty calendar days. (…). However, the Company shall have the right to designate employees to be placed on off-shifts for periods of sufficient length to allow new or inexperienced operators to become capable of performing the required work. A senior employee will not be on the off-shift for any more than a two (2) week period. This two (2) week period may be extended by mutual consent."

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Limits to Shift Work

Maritime Employers Association and Longshoremen’s Union, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 375 (1998-2003): "Employees who have accumulated thirty (30) years of service or who have reached sixty (60) years of age may, at their request, be exempted from the night shift. A maximum of thirty (30) employees may claim this exemption, based on seniority." [translation]

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Job Sharing

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) (1998-2001): "Job sharing can occur where there is agreement among the employer, CEP and the staff employees in the same group and classification who wish to share a job. (…) It is agreed that job sharing results from two (2) staff employees sharing a full-time staff position in the employees’ workplace, and as such, the shared position will continue to be identified as a full-time staff position. The sharing of hours of work shall be determined by the parties to the sharing arrangement."

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Transfers to Lighter or Less Demanding Jobs

Uniroyal Goodrich Canada Inc. and United Steelworkers of America, Local 677 (2001-2004): "Where an employee cannot perform satisfactory work due to age, health, or other physical conditions, such employee shall be transferred to other work which is more suitable, if such work is available. However, the employee so transferred shall not displace an employee who has more credited service."

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Northern Sawmills Inc. and Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, Local 38x (1999-2003): "An employee who, over the years has given good faithful service to the Company and who, through advancing years or temporary disablement is unable to perform his regular duties shall be given preference of any light work available, at the wages payable at the time for the position to which he is assigned."

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Work-Life Balance

Family Care Leave

Air Canada and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213 (1999-2002): "Employees will be allowed a maximum of three (3) days in each calendar year for the care of their sick or injured spouse, parents or dependent child. For pay purposes, accrued sick leave credits shall be reduced when an employee is absent up to a maximum of three (3) days per year."

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Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada) Local 2301 (1999-2002): "Both Parties recognize that unforeseen circumstances may arise which require special consideration in developing methods offering help to employees with complex or serious personal problems. Both Parties agree to take the circumstances into consideration in developing responses to individual situations."

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Pre-retirement leave

Canada Post Corporation and Canadian Union of Postal Workers (2000-2003): "In addition to vacation leave provided for under this agreement, a regular employee who attains fifty (50) years of age and completes twenty (20) years of continuous employment or, attains sixty (60) years of age and completes five (5) years of continuous employment, shall be entitled to be paid a pre-retirement leave of one (1) week in the fiscal year in which he or she becomes eligible for such leave and in every fiscal year thereafter until the employee's retirement up to a maximum of six (6) weeks pre-retirement leave from the time of eligibility until the time of retirement. An employee may elect to take her or his fifth (5th) and sixth (6th) weeks of pre-retirement leave during the same year."

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IPL Inc. and Union des employés et employées de service, Local 800 (2001-2004): "The Employer shall grant a reduction in the employee’s work week with respect to a position that he holds for the purpose of phased retirement, on condition that he: (a) is a regular employee; (b) has accrued ten (10) years’ seniority; (c) is at least sixty (60) years old; (d) applies in writing at least ninety (90) days before the phased retirement is to take effect, indicating the desired reduction of hours, the desired schedule and the effective date. An employee may cancel his phased retirement at any time but must advise the Employer at least thirty (30) days in advance. An employee who takes a phased retirement continues to accrue seniority based on his status before the phased retirement took effect. During the phased retirement, the employee is entitled to all the benefits under the collective agreement pro-rated according to his hours of work." [translation]

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Canada Safeway Limited and United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 2000 (1997-2003): "The Union and the Employer agree to establish a pre-retirement phase-out program whereby, (…), full-time employees may change positions with part-time employees (…) The full-time employee shall retain his/her seniority date and shall be scheduled the restricted number of hours. If hours up to the stated restriction are not available, the employee shall have the option of returning to full-time status, commencing with the next posted work schedule."

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