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Canadian Aviation Regulations 2007-1

Content last revised: 1996/10/10


The Personnel Licensing and Training Standards Respecting Air Traffic Controller Licences and Ratings outline the basic specifications for the licensing of persons who hold Air Traffic Controller Licences or to whom such licences may be issued in compliance with Subpart 402 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations

The Standards are in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization specification. Canada, with one exception, requires the minimum age for the issue of an Air Traffic Controller Licence to be 19 years.


422.03 Issue and Endorsement of Air Traffic Controller Licences and Ratings


(1) An applicant shall, during the twelve month period immediately preceding the date of issue of a licence:

(a) submit an application; and

(b) complete all tests and examinations for issuance of a licence.

(2) Ratings to an Air Traffic Controller Licence, which may be endorsed for one or more specified operational locations, comprise:

(a) Airport control;

(b) Terminal control;

(c) Area Control; and

(d) Oceanic control

(3) Prior to the issue of an Air Traffic Controller Licence or the endorsement of an Air Traffic Controller Licence with a Rating, and before any privileges may be exercised, an applicant shall have met all requirements set out in this section and in the Regulations for the endorsement of a particular rating at a specific location.

(4) An applicant shall have demonstrated ability to perform those functions applicable to the privileges to be granted.

(5) Application for the issue of a licence or endorsement of a rating or location shall be made on Form 26-0145 accompanied by the applicable progress report on Form 28-0130 or 28-0131.



(a) Citizenship

An applicant's citizenship must be shown on his Air Traffic Controller licence in accordance with ICAO requirements and must therefore be determined prior to issue of the licence.

(i) Proof of Citizenship

The following documents are acceptable as proof of citizenship:

(A) a citizenship certificate;

(B) a valid passport;

(C) a birth or baptismal certificate issued in Canada or in a State whose citizens do not require a passport to travel in Canada. Acopy certified by the issuing State or duly notarized is acceptable;

(D) a Canadian Immigration Record and Visa, Form IMM 1000, issued to a landed immigrant by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration; and

(E) an aviation personnel licence showing the citizenship of the holder and issued by the State of which he is a citizen.

(b) Requirements

(i) Minimum Age

An applicant shall be not less than nineteen years of age. When proof of age is required it may be provided in one of the following forms:

(A) a Canadian citizenship certificate;

(B) a birth certificate or copy thereof certified by the issuing authority, or a duly notarized copy thereof;

(C) where a birth certificate cannot be produced, a baptismal certificate supported by a statutory declaration in which the applicant declares his age will be accepted; or

(D) a valid Canadian passport.

(ii) Medical Fitness

An applicant shall have completed the medical examination requirements in accordance with the Personnel Licensing and Training Standards Respecting Medical Requirements and be in possession of a Category 1 or 2 Medical Certificate valid for an Air Traffic Controller Licence.

(iii) Knowledge

An applicant shall have successfully completed AirTraffic Controller training and basic theoretical training and written examinations administered by an institution recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training on:

(A) "Air law" - the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARS) and Air Traffic Control Manual of Operations (ATC MANOPS);

(B) "Air traffic control equipment" - the basic principles, use and limitations of radar and satellite or digital/global positioning equipment;

(C) "General knowledge" - the performance of various aircraft types relative to air traffic control procedures, including the avoidance of wake turbulence;

(D) "Human performance and limitations" - human performance and limitations relevant to air traffic control;

(E) "Language" - the language or languages nationally designated for use in air traffic control and ability to speak such language or languages without accent or impediment which would adversely affect radio communication;

(F) "Meteorology" - meteorology, including an appreciation of synoptic charts, weather reports and forecasts and the use of altimeters;

(G) "Navigation" - the principles of air navigation, the use and limitations of radio, visual and other aids to air navigation;

(H) "Operational procedures" - air traffic control and communication procedures (routine, non routine and emergency); use of the relevant aeronautical documentation; safety practices associated with flight.

(iv) Experience

An applicant shall have met all approved ATC training course standards and requirements for the endorsement of one or more of the Ratings.

(v) Language

An applicant shall meet the language requirements set out in 402.03(3) and (4).


An applicant shall demonstrate the level of knowledge, judgement, experience and skill for the endorsement of the Rating applied for as follows:

(1) Airport Control Rating

(a) Knowledge

An applicant for an Airport Control Rating shall have successfully completed a course administered by an instution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training and have demonstrated knowledge of the particular operational locale for which the rating is desired through successful completion of written examinations on:

(i) airport layout;

(ii) airspace and control zone rules;

(iii) co-ordination procedures between the airport control tower unit and other traffic control units;

(iv) available electronic aids to navigation and air traffic control;

(v) ATC equipment in the Control Tower and its operational use;

(vi) terrain prominent landmarks and air navigation facilities within a 25 nautical mile radius of the centre of the airport;

(vii) regular aircraft operating characteristics and traffic flows and airspace agreements;

(viii) meteorological phenomena peculiar to that region; and

(ix) search and rescue plans and emergency procedures;

(b) Experience

During the twelve months preceding the endorsement of an Airport Control Rating, the applicant shall have:

(i) successfully completed Air Traffic Control training courses administered by an instutution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training pursuant to the appropriate training document; and

(ii) served under the supervision of a qualified airport controller for:

(A) not less than three months in the case of the initial issue of an Air Traffic Controller Licence;

(B) not less than one month in the case of the initial issue of an Airport Control Rating to the holder of a licence endorsed with a Terminal Control or Area Control Rating;

(C) a period of time necessary to demonstrate competence in the case of the endorsement of an additional location to the holder of a licence with an existing Airport Control Rating.

(2) Terminal Control Rating

(a) Knowledge

An applicant for a Terminal Control Rating shall have successfully completed a course administered by an instutution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training and have demonstrated knowledge of the particular geographical area for which the rating is desired through successful completion of written examinations on:

(i) runway layouts at airports within the Terminal Control Area (TCA);

(ii) control zone and terminal control area airspace rules and procedures;

(iii) co-ordination procedures and airspace agreements between the Terminal Control Unit and other underlying and adjacent air traffic control units;

(iv) available electronic aids to navigation and air traffic control;

(v) ATC equipment in the Terminal Control Unit and its operational use;

(vi) prominent terrain and landmarks, air navigation aids and ATC facilities within a 50 nautical mile radius beyond the airspace under the jurisdiction of the Terminal Control Unit;

(vii) regular aircraft operating characteristics and air traffic flows;

(viii) meteorological phenomena peculiar to that Terminal Control Area and adjacent regions;

(ix) search and rescue alerting plans and emergency procedures; and

(x) holding, approach, missed approach and departure procedures, including protected airspace configurations.

(b) Experience

During the twelve months preceding the endorsement of a Terminal Control Rating, the applicant shall have:

(i) successfully completed ATC training courses administered by an instutution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training; and

(ii) served under the supervision of a qualified terminal controller for;

(A) not less than three months in the case of the initial issue of an Air Traffic Controller Licence:

(B) not less than one month in the case of the initial issue of a Terminal Control Rating to the holder of a licence endorsed with an Airport Control or Area Control Rating; or

(C) a period of time as necessary to demonstrate competence in the case of the endorsement of an additional location to the holder of a licence with an existing Terminal Control Rating.

(3) Area Control Rating

(a) Knowledge

An applicant for an Area Control Rating shall have successfully completed a course administered by an instutution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training and have demonstrated knowledge of the particular geographical area for which the rating is desired through successful completion of written examinations on:

(i) runway layouts for airports to which approach and departure clearances may be directly issued by an Area Control Centre sector controller;

(ii) the structure and rules applicable to all airspace under the jurisdiction of that area control centre;

(iii) co-ordination procedures and airspace agreements between the area control centre and other underlying and adjacent air traffic control units;

(iv) available electronic aids to navigation and air traffic control;

(v) ATC equipment in the ACC and its operational use;

(vi) prominent terrain and landmarks, air navigation aids and ATC facilities underlying, and within 100 NM adjacent to, the airspace under the jurisdiction of that area control centre;

(vii) regular aircraft operating characteristics and air traffic flows;

(viii) meteorological phenomena peculiar to that and adjacent regions;

(ix) the locations and search and rescue plans and procedures for alerting emergency services; and

(x) holding, approach, missed approach and departure procedures.

(b) Experience

During the twelve months preceding the endorsement of an Area Control Rating, the applicant shall have:

(i) successfully completed ATC training courses administered by an instutution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training; and

(ii) served under the supervision of a qualified area controller for:

(A) not less that three months in the case of the initial issue of an Air Traffic Controller Licence;

(B) not less than two months in the case of the initial issue of an Area Control Rating to the holder of a licence endorsed with an Airport Control or Terminal Control Rating; or

(C) a period of time as necessary to demonstrate competence in the case of the endorsement of an additional location of the holder of Licence with an existing Area Control Rating.

(4) Oceanic Control Rating

(a) Knowledge

An Applicant for an Oceanic Control Rating shall have successfully completed a course administered by an instutution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training and have demonstrated knowledge of the particular area for which the rating is desired through successful completion of written examination on:

(i) the structure and rules applicable to all oceanic airspace under the jurisdiction of that oceanic control unit;

(ii) co-ordination procedures and airspace agreements between the area control centre in which the oceanic control unit operates and all other adjacent oceanic, area control centre and ATC units at international airports underlying or within 500 NM miles of that unit's oceanic controlled airspace;

(iii) international standards and ICAO recommended practices concerning the operation of aircraft over large bodies of water;

(iv) available electronic aids to air navigation and air traffic control;

(v) ATC equipment and its use in the oceanic unit(s) and adjacent or co-located area control centre;

(vi) air navigation facilities and air traffic services available at all airports underlying and at international airports within 500 NM miles of that sector's oceanic controlled airspace;

(vii) regular aircraft operating characteristics and traffic flows along minimum time tracks;

(viii) meteorological phenomena peculiar to that oceanic airspace and adjacent regions;

(ix) search and rescue plans and the locations and procedures for alerting national and international emergency services; and

(x) holding, delay and alternate routing procedures which may be employed an necessary for safe operations.

(b) Experience

During the twelve months preceding the endorsement of an Oceanic Control Rating, the applicant shall have:

(i) successfully completed ATC training courses administered by an instutution that is recognized by the Minister as being qualified to administer such training;

(ii) served under the supervision of a qualified oceanic controller for:

(A) not less than three months in the case of the initial issue of an Air Traffic Controller Licence;

(B) not less than two months in the case of the initial issue of an Oceanic Control Rating to the holder of a licence endorsed with an Area Control Rating; or

(C) a period of time as necessary to demonstrate competence in the case of the endorsement of a previous holder of an existing Area Control Rating with a prior Oceanic Control endorsement or oceanic unit qualification at that ATC unit.

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