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Transport Canada Civil Aviation
What is CPR?
Why do we have CPR?
Who does CPR affect?
When is CPR in effect?
Which regulations are affected?
How is CPR implemented?
How is delegation implemented?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Reference Materials and Aids
Abbreviations Used
National Standardization Team
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Users of this web site are cautioned that the documents it contains have been prepared for use as a ready reference and that they have no legal force or effect. For the purposes of interpretation and application, please consult printed copies where available.

Although the information contained herein is the latest available at time of publishing, it should not be considered "authority approved", unless specifically stated; nor does it replace published regulations, standards, or advisory materials, or other guidance material. If in doubt about the status of any of the information presented, please contact TCCA through the National Standardization Team.

Unilingual Disclaimer

Some of the material originates with other airworthiness authorities not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available on this site only in the language in which it was written.

Last updated: Top of Page Important Notices