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Transport Canada

Fuel Efficiency
GHG Emission Factors
CAC Emission Factors
User Guide
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The Urban Transportation Emissions Calculator has been developed as a simple, user-friendly tool for estimating annual greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria air contaminant (CAC) emissions from passenger, commercial, and urban transit vehicles. The primary input to the Tool is vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) for road vehicles and passenger kilometres travelled (PKT) for rail vehicles. Other inputs relating to average travel speeds, expansion factors, and vehicle fuelling characteristics can be modified from default values.

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The Tool estimates GHG and CAC emissions for the following vehicles:

  • Light-duty passenger vehicles (automobiles, light trucks)
  • Light-duty commercial vehicles
  • Heavy-duty commercial vehicles
  • Public transit buses
  • Public transit trolley buses
  • Light rail/Metro (electric and diesel)
  • Heavy rail (diesel)

The Tool calculates both the direct and indirect GHG emissions associated with the operation of vehicles. Direct GHG emissions are released directly from the tailpipe of a vehicle. Indirect GHG emissions are created and released from production of electricity used by electric vehicles (i.e. trolleys and light rail) as well as from the production, refining and transportation of transportation fuels (i.e. from wells to pump). It is important to note that the Tool does not address life-cycle emissions associated with the manufacture and end of life recycling of vehicles. Due to the unavailability of appropriate emission factors, only direct CAC emissions are estimated.

The Tool also considers the impacts of new technologies and alternative fuels on GHG and CAC emissions based on existing technologies and available data. The vehicle-technology combinations considered for road-vehicles are displayed in the table below.

Exhibit 1 1: Vehicle-Technology Combinations Considered
Technology Vehicle
Ethanol (E10)    
Ethanol (E85)    
Methanol (M85)    
Electric-Fuel Cell  
Note: See Glossary for definition of all acronyms

The Tool also requires the user to select the province of the municipality of interest and the study year. This allows the Tool to account for the varied provincial breakdowns of light-duty passenger vehicles (i.e., proportion of automobiles vs. light trucks) as well as the differing GHG intensities associated with electricity production in each province. It also allows the selection of a modelling year in five year increments from 2006 through 2031 (to correspond with Census years), as vehicle fuel efficiencies and other emission factors are predicted to improve in the future.

Last updated: 2007-11-15 Top of Page Important Notices