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Amendments to Existing GSP Personnel Security Standard, Forms Revisions and Info Source Personal Information Banks,

No 2006-03
SPIN 2006-01
DATE:   28 February 2006
TO:   Departmental Security Officers and Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators
Subject: Amendments to Existing GSP Personnel Security Standard, Forms Revisions and Info Source Personal Information Banks 

This notification is to inform departments and agencies of necessary amendments being made to the:

  • existing Government Security Policy (GSP) – Chapter 2-04 Personnel Security Standard;
  • Privacy Act Statements contained within applicable security screening forms; and
  • Info Source Personal Information Banks in support of GSP related Personnel Security Screening. 

Amendments to Personnel Security Screening Standard 

In advance of forthcoming major revisions to the GSP's Personnel Security Screening Operational Standard, the requirement exists to amend certain sections contained within the existing Standard. These amendments add clarity to procedures to be followed when an individual is being processed for a Security Clearance and as a result, adverse information of a reliability screening nature is received.

Although these amendments take effect immediately, they cannot be retroactively applied to cases where a department/agency has already rendered their security screening determination(s). 

Amendments to GSP's Chapter 2-4 Personnel Security Standard (dated 9406) are as follows: 

1. Amending the wording contained within the second sub-paragraph of the fifth paragraph, of Section 2.8 by: 

Deleting the following statement:

English Version

As it relates to reliability, because of personal beliefs, features of character, association with persons or groups considered a security threat, or family or other close ties to persons living in oppressive or hostile countries, the individual may act or may be induced to act in a way that constitutes a "threat to the security of Canada"; or they may disclose, may be induced to disclose, or may cause to be disclosed in an unauthorized way, classified information. 

Replacing it with: 

English Version

Reliability as it relates to loyalty, because of personal beliefs, features of character, association with persons or groups considered a security threat, or family or other close ties to persons living in oppressive or hostile countries, the individual may act or may be induced to act in a way that constitutes a "threat to the security of Canada"; or they may disclose, may be induced to disclose, or may cause to be disclosed in an unauthorized way, classified information. 

2. Amend the final paragraph contained within Section 2.8 as follows by: 

Deleting the following statement:

English Version

If an individual has been granted basic or enhanced reliability status as a prerequisite to a security clearance and, during the security investigation adverse information is uncovered as a result of a check not authorized for reliability, the decision on reliability status must not be reversed. Such adverse information will be considered in the security assessment and may result in the denial of a security clearance. Special provisions of the Criminal Code may apply, see article 2.7.5. 

Replacing it with:

English Version

If as part of a security clearance assessment, adverse information as defined in paragraph 3 to Appendix B "Guidance on Use of Information for Reliability Checks" is received, it may be used to re-assess the individual's previously granted reliability status. In such cases, departments must conduct their own internal investigation to determine if a revocation of reliability status is warranted.

In cases where the individual's security clearance is being denied or revoked on the grounds of loyalty or reliability as it relates to loyalty, departments must also re-assess the individual's reliability status. 

In all cases that result in a denial or revocation of either a security clearance or reliability status, departments must follow those procedures outlined within Sections 5 and 6 of this Standard. 

3. Amend the third paragraph statement contained within Section 5 as follows by: 

Deleting the following statement:

English Version

If the individual concerned is an employee, consideration must be given to reassignment or appointment to a less sensitive position at an equivalent level. Should no such position be available, appointment to a position at a lower level must be considered. Termination of employment may be considered only in exceptional circumstances and only when all other options have been exhausted. 

Replacing it with:

English Version

If as the result of a denial or revocation of a security clearance or reliability status, the individual no longer meets the condition of employment, departmental Labour Relations must be consulted. 

Note: Those amendments identified above, will be reflected within the online version of the GSP's Personnel Security Standard available at the following TBS websites:

Revisions To Existing Security Screening Forms 

Although revisions to the forthcoming Personnel Security Standard will result in significant changes to those forms used in support of security screening, amendments to the existing Personnel Security Standard mentioned above necessitate an immediate amendment to the Privacy Act Statements and other minor changes contained within the following forms: 

*Please note revisions made within Part C "Consent and Verification"

Availability and use of newly approved forms

Effective immediately, departments/agencies should discontinue the use of forms that have 2002 revision dates. Revised forms will now show a revision date of 2006/02 and are available from the following TBS forms web-site: 

Departments are reminded that security screening related activities in support of the GSP must use only TBS approved forms or modified versions approved by the TBS.

Those departments/agencies utilizing automated security screening programs must amend their applications to ensure that printed versions of those forms specified above result in exact replications of TBS approved versions. To assist affected departments with updating their application(s), attached is a detailed breakdown of required changes. 

Info Source Personal Information Bank (PIB) Amendments 

In light of amendments to the GSP's Personnel Security Standard and other privacy related issues, PIB PSE 924 - Personnel Security Screening (Reliability Screening/Security Clearance) will be replaced with PIB PSU 917 (Personnel Security Screening). In advance of the forthcoming hardcopy version of the Info Source, this new PIB will be available at the TBS Info Source Website.  For those departments/agencies having their own GSP security screening related PIBs, the requirement also exists to amend their bank descriptions. TBS Information, Privacy and Security Policy Division is available to assist such institutions. 

Emergency Communications

As a follow-up to SPIN 2002-23, departments/agencies are reminded to supply TBS with DSO updated contact numbers, via the TBS Security Contact lists website.


All enquiries about this notice should be directed to the Departmental Security Officer. For interpretation of notices, the Departmental Security Officer should contact:

Information, Privacy and Security Policy Division
Chief Information Officer Branch, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R5
Telephone: (613) 946-5046 or 957-2534
Facsimile: (613) 952-7287 

Alice Sturgeon

Senior Director, Accessibility, Identity Management and Security
Information, Privacy and Security Policy Division
Chief Information Officer Branch

Revisions to Government Security Policy – Security Screening 
Forms As of February 2006

The following is a detailed listing of amendments that must be made to applicable security screening forms. 


a)     Within the English version of form SECURITY CLEARANCE FORM -TBS/SCT 330-60E amend the Privacy Act Statement to now read: 

The Privacy Act Statement

The information on this form is required for the purpose of providing a security assessment. It is collected under the authority of subsection 7(1) of the Financial Administration Act and the Government Security Policy (GSP) of the Government of Canada and is protected by the provisions of the Privacy Act in institutions that are covered by the Privacy Act. Its collection is mandatory. A refusal to provide information will lead to a review of whether the person is eligible to hold the position or perform the contract that is associated with this Personnel Screening Request. The information collected by the government institution may be disclosed to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), which conduct the requisite checks and/or investigation in accordance with the GSP and to entities outside the federal government (e.g. credit bureaus). It is used to support decisions on individuals working or applying to work through appointment, assignment or contract, transfers or promotions. It may also be used in the context of updating, or reviewing for cause, the reliability status, site access or security clearance, both of which may lead to a re-assessment of the applicable type/level of security screening. Information collected by the government institution, and information gathered from the requisite checks and/or investigation, may be used to support decisions, which may lead to discipline and/or termination of employment or contractual agreements. The personal information collected is described in Standard PIB PSU 917 (Personnel Security Screening) which is used by all government agencies, except the Department of National Defence PIB DND/PPE 834 (Personnel Security Investigation File), RCMP PIB CMP PPU 065 (Security/Reliability Screening Records), CSIS PIB SIS PPE 815 (Employee Security), and PWGSC PIB PWGSC PPU 015 (Personnel Clearance and Reliability Records) used for Canadian Industry Personnel. Personal information related to security assessments is also described in the CSIS PIB SIS PPU 005 (Security Assessments/Advice).

b)     Note: On page one additional space is required for expanded Privacy Act Statement that necessitates the deletion of one set of fields within Section E (Immediate Relatives) 

c)     Amend form revision date on all pages to read: (Rev. 2006/02) c) Modifier sur toutes les pages la date de révision du formulaire pour indiquer : (Rev. 2006/02)

d)     At the top of pages 2-4 inclusive amend to read: Surname and full given names 



a) Within the French version of form FORMULAIRE D'AUTORISATION DE SÉCURITÉ -TBS/SCT 330-60F amend the Privacy Act Statement to now read: 

Énoncé concernant la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels

Les renseignements demandés sur ce formulaire sont exigés dans le but de fournir une évaluation de sécurité. Ils sont recueillis en vertu du paragraphe 7(1) de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques et de la Politique de sécurité du gouvernement du Canada (PSG) et sont protégés par les dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels dans les institutions qui sont assujetties aux dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels. La collecte de ces renseignements est obligatoire. Le refus de fournir les renseignements demandés entraînera la tenue d'un examen visant à déterminer si la personne est admissible à remplir un emploi ou à exécuter le contrat qui est associé à la présente Demande d'enquête de sécurité. Les renseignements recueillis par l'institution gouvernementale peuvent être divulgués à la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) et au Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité (SCRS), qui mèneront les vérifications ou les enquêtes nécessaires en vertu de la PSG, et à des entités à l'extérieur du gouvernement fédéral (comme des bureaux de crédit). Ces renseignements servent à appuyer des décisions concernant des particuliers travaillant ou demandant à travailler par l'entremise d'une nomination, d'une assignation ou d'un contrat, d'une mutation ou d'une promotion. Ils peuvent aussi être recueillis afin d'appuyer des décisions ayant trait aux personnes travaillant ou cherchant à obtenir un emploi par le biais d'une nomination, d'une affectation ou d'un contrat, d'une mutation ou d'une promotion. Ils pourront aussi servir dans le contexte de la mise à jour de la cote de fiabilité, de sécurité ou d'accès, ou de l'examen des causes justifiant leur attribution, ce qui pourrait donner lieu à une nouvelle évaluation du type de filtrage de sécurité applicable. Les renseignements recueillis par l'institution gouvernementale et les renseignements recueillis au moyen des vérifications ou des enquêtes peuvent servir à étayer les décisions qui pourront entraîner des mesures disciplinaires ou le congédiement ou l'annulation des contrats. Les renseignements recueillis sont conservés dans les fichiers ordinaires des employés POU 917 (Filtrage de sécurité) dans tous les organismes gouvernementaux, sauf au ministère de la Défense nationale et à la GRC qui utilisent respectivement les fichiers MDN/P-PE-834 (Dossier d'enquête sur la sécurité et vérification relative à la fiabilité) et GRC/P-PU-065 (Dossiers de l'habilitation sécuritaire et relative à la fiabilité), la SCRS qui utilise le SISP/P-PE 815 (Cotes de sécurité) et TPSGC qui utilise le TPSGC/P-PU-015 (Autorisations de sécurité et dossiers de fiabilité pour le personnel de l'industrie privée) pour le personnel de l'industrie canadienne. Les renseignements personnels liés aux évaluations de sécurité sont également conservés dans le fichier de renseignements personnels du SCRS SISP/P-PU-005 (Évaluations de sécurité/Avis).

b) Note: On page one additional space required for expanded Privacy Act Statement may necessitate the deletion of one set of fields within Section E (Proches Parents) 

c) Amend form revision date on French version to read: (Rev. 2006/02) 

d) At the top of pages 2-4 inclusive amend to read: Nom (de famille) et Prénoms au complet 


a) Within the English version of form PERSONNEL SCREENING, CONSENT AND AUTHORIZATION FORM -TBS/SCT 330-23E amend the Privacy Act Statement to now read: 

The Privacy Act Statement

The information on this form is required for the purpose of providing a security screening assessment. It is collected under the authority of subsection 7(1) of the Financial Administration Act and the Government Security Policy (GSP) of the Government of Canada, and is protected by the provisions of the Privacy Act in institutions that are covered by the Privacy Act. Its collection is mandatory. A refusal to provide information will lead to a review of whether the person is eligible to hold the position or perform the contract that is associated with this Personnel Screening Request. Depending on the level of security screening required, the information collected by the government institution may be disclosed to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), which conduct the requisite checks and/or investigation in accordance with the GSP and to entities outside the federal government (e.g. credit bureaus). It is used to support decisions on individuals working or applying to work through appointment, assignment or contract, transfers or promotions. It may also be used in the context of updating, or reviewing for cause, the reliability status, site access or security clearance, both of which may lead to a re-assessment of the applicable type/level of security screening. Information collected by the government institution, and information gathered from the requisite checks and/or investigation, may be used to support decisions, which may lead to discipline and/or termination of employment or contractual agreements. The personal information collected is described in Standard PIB PSU 917 (Personnel Security Screening) which is used by all government agencies, except the Department of National Defence PIB DND/PPE 834 (Personnel Security Investigation File), RCMP PIB CMP PPU 065 (Security/Reliability Screening Records), CSIS PIB SIS PPE 815 (Employee Security), and PWGSC PIB PWGSC PPU 015 (Personnel Clearance and Reliability Records) used for Canadian Industry Personnel. Personal information related to security assessments is also described in the CSIS PIB SIS PPU 005 (Security Assessments/Advice).

I, the undersigned, do consent to the disclosure of the preceding information including my photograph for its subsequent verification and/or use in an investigation for the purpose of providing a security screening assessment. By consenting to the above, I acknowledge that the verification and/or use in an investigation of the preceding information may also occur when the reliability status, security clearance or site access are updated or otherwise reviewed for cause under the Government Security Policy. My consent will remain valid until I no longer require a reliability status, a security clearance or a site access clearance, my employment or contract is terminated, or until I otherwise revoke my consent, in writing, to the authorized security official.

b) Amend form revision date on all pages to read: (Rev. 2006/02) 

c) At the top of page 2 amend to read Surname and full given names 

d) Within Part C CONSENT AND VERIFICATION – delete the word "Information (See Instructions)" and replace it with "Checks Required (See Instructions)" 


a) Within the French version of form FORMULAIRE DE VÉRIFICATION DE SÉCURITÉ, DE CONSENTEMENT ET D'AUTORISATION DU PERSONNEL - TBS/SCT 330-23F amend the Privacy Act Statement to now read: 

Énoncé concernant la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels

Les renseignements demandés sur ce formulaire sont exigés dans le but de fournir une évaluation de sécurité. Ils sont recueillis en vertu du paragraphe 7(1) de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques et de la Politique de sécurité du gouvernement du Canada (PSG) et sont protégés par les dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels dans les institutions qui sont assujetties aux dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels. La collecte de ces renseignements est obligatoire. Le refus de fournir les renseignements demandés entraînera la tenue d'un examen visant à déterminer si la personne est admissible à remplir un emploi ou à exécuter le contrat qui est associé à la présente Demande d'enquête de sécurité. Tout dépendant du niveau de sécurité exigé, les renseignements recueillis par l'institution gouvernementale peuvent aussi être divulgués à la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) et au Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité (SCRS), qui mèneront les vérifications ou les enquêtes nécessaires en vertu de la PSG, et à des entités à l'extérieur du gouvernement fédéral (comme des bureaux de crédit). Ces renseignements servent à appuyer des décisions concernant des particuliers travaillant ou demandant à travailler par l'entremise d'une nomination, d'une assignation ou d'un contrat, d'une mutation ou d'une promotion. Ils peuvent aussi être recueillis afin d'appuyer des décisions ayant trait aux personnes travaillant ou cherchant à obtenir un emploi par le biais d'une nomination, d'une affectation ou d'un contrat, d'une mutation ou d'une promotion. Ils pourront aussi servir dans le contexte de la mise à jour de la cote de fiabilité, de sécurité ou d'accès, ou de l'examen des causes justifiant leur attribution, ce qui pourrait donner lieu à une nouvelle évaluation du type de filtrage de sécurité applicable. Les renseignements recueillis par l'institution gouvernementale et les renseignements recueillis au moyen des vérifications ou des enquêtes peuvent servir à étayer les décisions qui pourront entraîner des mesures disciplinaires ou le congédiement ou l'annulation des contrats. Les renseignements recueillis sont conservés dans les fichiers ordinaires des employés POU 917 (Filtrage de sécurité) dans tous les organismes gouvernementaux, sauf au ministère de la Défense nationale et à la GRC qui utilisent respectivement les fichiers MDN/P-PE-834 (Dossier d'enquête sur la sécurité et vérification relative à la fiabilité) et GRC/P-PU-065 (Dossiers de l'habilitation sécuritaire et relative à la fiabilité), la SCRS qui utilise le SISP/P-PE 815 (Cotes de sécurité) et TPSGC qui utilise le TPSGC/P-PU-015 (Autorisations de sécurité et dossiers de fiabilité pour le personnel de l'industrie privée) pour le personnel de l'industrie canadienne. Les renseignements personnels liés aux évaluations de sécurité sont également conservés dans le fichier de renseignements personnels du SCRS SISP/P-PU-005 (Évaluations de sécurité/Avis).

Je, soussigné, consens à la divulgation de renseignements susmentionnés, y compris de ma photographie, à leur vérification ultérieure par le gouvernement du Canada et à leur utilisation dans le cadre d'une enquête d'autorisation de sécurité. En consentant à ce qui précède, je reconnais que les renseignements susmentionnés pourront être vérifiés ou utilisés dans le cadre d'une enquête pour mettre à jour la cote de fiabilité, de sécurité ou d'accès ou de tout autre examen pour les raisons prévues dans la Politique du gouvernement sur la sécurité. Ce formulaire de consentement deviendra périmé lorsque je ne nécessiterai plus de cote de fiabilité, de sécurité ou d'accès ou lorsque mon emploi ou mon contrat prendra fin, ou lorsque j'annulerai mon consentement par l'envoi d'un avis écrit à l'agent de sécurité autorisé. 

b) Amend form revision date on French version to read: (Rev. 2006/02) 

c) At the top of page 2 amend to read: Nom (de famille) et Prénoms au complet 

d) Within Part C CONSENTEMENT ET VÉRIFICATION – delete "Informations (Voir instructions)" and replace it with "Vérification requise (Voir instructions) 


a) Modify English and French Privacy Act statements contained within contained on page 2 of bilingual form to read as follows: 

The Privacy Act Statement

The purpose of this form is to provide a record of the initial and any subsequent security briefing of individuals who have been granted a reliability status, security clearance or site access pursuant to the Government Security Policy (GSP) of the Government of Canada and is protected by the provisions of the Privacy Act in institutions which are covered by the Privacy Act. The personal information collected is described in Standard PIB PSU 917 (Personnel Security Screening) which is used by all government agencies, except the Department of National Defence PIB DND/PPE 834 (Personnel Security Investigation File), RCMP PIB CMP PPU 065 (Security/Reliability Screening Records), CSIS PIB SIS PPE 815 (Employee Security), and PWGSC PIB PWGSC PPU 015 (Personnel Clearance and Reliability Records) used for Canadian Industry Personnel. Additionally, a copy of this form may be retained within PIB PSE 901(Employee Personnel Record) or other institution specific Employee Personnel Record Banks.

b) Amend form revision date on form to read: (Rev. 2006/02)


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