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 Parliament of Canada
MARK, Inky, B.A., B.Ed.
Current Member of The House of Commons
Date of Birth (yyyy.mm.dd): 1947.11.17
Place of Birth: Toysun, China
Occupation: Businessman, teacher
Political Affiliation:
Contact Information
Language Preference: English
^ Parliamentary Address
Telephone: (613) 992-3176
Fax: (613) 992-0930
E-Mail: Mark.I@parl.gc.ca
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
^ Constituency Address
Telephone: (204) 773-7010
Fax: (204) 773-7010
335 Main Street North
Russell, Manitoba
R0J 1V0
Telephone: (204) 842-2150
Fax: (204) 842-2150
678 Main Street, P.O. Box 220
Birtle, Manitoba
R0M 0C0
Telephone: (204) 937-6360
Fax: (204) 937-6360
135 Main Street, P.O. Box 310
Roblin, Manitoba
R0L 1P0
Telephone: (204) 734-5554
Fax: (204) 734-5554
114 6th Avenue South, P.O. Box 2967
Swan River, Manitoba
R0L 1Z0
Telephone: (204) 622-4659
Fax: (204) 622-4654
E-Mail: inkymark@mts.net
Dauphin Marketplace Mall, 1450 Main Street South
Dauphin, Manitoba
R7N 3H4
Telephone: (204) 759-4020
Fax: (204) 759-4020
515-4th Avenue, P.O. Box 643
Shoal Lake, Manitoba
R0J 1Z0
Telephone: (204) 385-6060
Fax: (204) 385-6060
13 Dennis Street West, P.O. Box 364
Gladstone, Manitoba
R0J 0T0
Telephone: (204) 859-5000
Fax: (204) 859-5000
43 Main Street North
Rossburn, Manitoba
R0J 1V0
Telephone: (204) 476-7010
Fax: (204) 476-7010
290 Davidson Street, P.O. Box 1270
Neepawa, Manitoba
R0J 1H0
Telephone: (204) 636-6030
Fax: (204) 636-6030
45 Main Street, P.O. Box 250
Erickson, Manitoba
R0J 0P0
Telephone: (204) 764-3030
Fax: (204) 764-3030
15 Maple Avenue East
Hamiota, Manitoba
R0M 0T0

©Members photographs. The House of Commons holds the copyright on official photographs of Members, including those reproduced in composite photographs. Reproduction of the images is for non-commercial use only and images must be credited as House of Commons, following receipt of written permission. ^

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