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(amended 2007/06/30; previous version)

Canadian Aviation Regulations 2007-1

Content last revised: 2003/03/01


300.01  In this Part,

"aerodrome standards and recommended practices publications" - means the following documents, namely,

(a) Procedures for the Certification of Aerodromes as Airports,

(b) Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices, and

(c) Heliport and Helideck Standards and Recommended Practices; (publications sur les normes et pratiques recommandées pour les aérodromes)

"aeronautical information publications" - means the following documents, namely,

(a) Canada Air Pilot,

(b) Canada Flight Supplement,

(c) Water Aerodrome Supplement, and

(d) A.I.P. Canada; (publications d'information aéronautique)

"aircraft emergency" means a situation that could result in damage to an aircraft at an airport or aerodrome or injury to the persons on board the aircraft; (aéronef en état d'urgence)
(amended 2002/06/10; no previous version)

"airport certificate" - means a certificate issued pursuant to Section 302.03; (certificat d'aéroport)

"airport operations manual" - means the manual referred to in Section 302.08 and includes any amendments to the manual that are approved pursuant to subsection 302.03(2); (manuel d'exploitation d'aéroport)

(amended 2003/03/01; previous version)

"closed marking" - means a cross-shaped marking that

(a) has the form and, subject to subsection 301.04(4), the dimensions set out in Schedule I to Subpart 1, and

(b) subject to subsection 301.04(8), is in a single contrasting colour, white on runways and yellow on taxiways, that is visible from an aircraft flying at an altitude of 300 m (1,000 feet) above the marking; (marque de zone fermée)

"fixed" - in respect of a light, means having a constant luminous intensity when the light is observed from a fixed point; (fixe)

"marker" - means an object displayed above ground level for the purpose of indicating an obstacle or obstruction or delineating a boundary; (balise)

"marking" - means a symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of a movement area for the purpose of conveying aeronautical information; (marque)

"movement", in respect of an aircraft, means a take-off or landing at an airport or aerodrome; (mouvement)
(amended 2002/06/10; no previous version)

"obstacle limitation surface" - means a surface that establishes the limit to which objects may project into the airspace associated with an aerodrome, in order that aircraft operations for which the aerodrome is intended may be conducted safely, and includes a transitional surface, a take-off surface, an approach surface and an outer surface; (surface de limitation d'obstacles)

"operator" - means the person in charge of an aerodrome, and includes an employee, agent or other authorized representative of that person; (exploitant)

"public way" - means any road, path or sidewalk maintained for the use of members of the public; (voie publique)

"Water Aerodrome Supplement" means a publication concerning water aerodromes that is intended to be used to supplement enroute charts and the Canada Air Pilot. (Supplément hydroaérodromes)

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