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Collision Statistics 2003: Menu

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Licensed Drivers and Motor Vehicle Registrations
by Type of Vehicle 1984-2003
(in thousands)

  Licensed Drivers 1 Passenger Automobiles Commercial Vehicles 2 Motorcycles3
1984 15,540 10,781 3,119 507
1985 15,964 11,118 3,213 487
1986 16,226 11,586 3,285 465
1987 16,927 11,686 3,659 448
1988 17,155 12,086 3,850 400
1989 17,592 12,380 3,962 378
1990 17,718 12,622 4,000 359
1991 18,090 12,578 3,516 350
1992 18,465 12,781 3,461 339
1993 18,843 12,925 3,455 337
1994 19,243 13,131 3,510 330
1995 19,327 13,192 3,535 320
1996 19,964 13,251 3,620 312
1997 20,148 13,515 3,684 319
1998 20,744e 13,887 3,767 334
1999 20,934 16,538 722 274
2000 20,593 16,832 739 311
2001 20,879 17,055 729 318
2002 21,163 17,543 724 350
2003 21,436 17,755 740 373

1 Excludes temporary permits prior to 1999.

2 Pre-1999, these registrations include trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles, such as vans. From 1999, these registrations include commercial vehicles (trucks and buses) greater than 4,500 kg.

3 Includes mopeds.

e Estimated.

Source: 1984 to 1998: Statistics Canada, Catalogue No 53-219, "Road Motor Vehicles - Registrations". From 1999, motor vehicle registration data are from Statistics Canada, CANSIM, Table 405-0004. From 1999, licensed driver data were provided by each jurisdiction.

The decline in police reporting in British Columbia in the years 1996 through 2003 has affected the British Columbia totals and, to a lesser extent, national totals reported in this publication.

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Licensed Drivers by Gender and by Age

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