The Series

Lively, humorous and poignant, the award-winning ShowPeace animated film series is one of the most flexible conflict resolution tools available in the world. Because the animated characters in the films do not speak, there are no language barriers. Because they are “non-human,” they are ageless and genderless. Everyone can enjoy the pithy (and quirky!) commentary on conflict that these films offer. Each film in the series also draws out an important and distinct conflict resolution lesson. Topics include:

Managing Anger – When the Dust Settles
Bullying – Bully Dance
Conflict Styles and Negotiation – Elbow Room
Diversity – Dominoes
Tolerance – Tête à Tête à Tête
Mediation – Dinner for Two

The ShowPeace series is produced by the National Film Board of Canada in association with the Department of Justice and UNICEF.