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You are at the right page to get help with these common technical problems:

Q1: I can't get any of the links to health information to open. What's wrong?

A: Our site is set up so that when you search for health information and then click on one of the links (resources) presented, a new browser window opens to display the new page.

There are two things that could prevent you from being able to see the health information resource pages:

  • You may already have a second browser window open, minimized at the bottom of the screen. Please see Q3 for more details.

  • The problem could be in the version of the browser you are using. In order for the new window to open to display the resource, the browser must be compatible with JavaScript. Netscape 3.0 and later, and Internet Explorer 4.0 and later are both compatible. In earlier versions of Netscape Navigator, a new window will open but will display nothing. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer will give you an error message.

    You can find out which version you are using by selecting "Help | About..." from the menu of your browser. A page will open telling you which version you have.

    If you are already using Netscape 3 or later, you can check to make sure JavaScript is enabled by selecting "Edit | Preferences...", clicking "Advanced", and checking the checkbox for "Enable JavaScript".

    If you would like to upgrade, you can get Netscape Navigator for free from and Internet Explorer for free from

Q2: After I follow some of the links, my browser's "Back" button doesn't work -- it won't take me back to the CHN. How can I get back to where I was on the CHN?

A: Our site is set up so that when you click a link to a web page external to the CHN, a second browser window will open to display that page. You now have two browser windows open, one showing you the new page, and the other showing you the CHN. However, the one with the CHN in it is now "behind" the new window, so you can't see it.

Clicking the "Back" button will not take you back to the CHN, since the CHN is in a different window. To get back to the CHN, you can either minimize or close the new window to get it out of the way, or click the icon for the CHN window which is on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.

Q3: When I try to click a link to health information, nothing happens. What is the problem?

A: You may already have a second browser window open, minimized at the bottom of the screen. If so, the health resource you clicked will open in that window, rather than in the window displaying the CHN site. If this happens, all you need to do is to maximize the second window to view the resource. To maximize the window, just click on its icon on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.

If this suggestion doesn't help, please see Q1 for more information.

Q4: What can I do if the text on the CHN is too small (or too big)?

A: We've designed the site to make it as easy to read as possible. In addition, we have provided a text size toggle feature (Increase text size / decrease text size) which allows you to increase the size of the text by 30% or decrease it back to normal text size.

However, if you still find that the text is too small to read (or too big and takes up too much room), you can adjust the size of the text in your browser.

For Internet Explorer 5.0, select "View" from the menu, point to "Text Size", and select the size you want.

For Netscape 4.0, select "View" from the menu, then select "Increase Font" or "Decrease Font". You can continue increasing or decreasing the font (text) until it is the size you want.

For other browser versions and types, consult the browser's Help menu.

Q5: I'm trying to print a resource, but I only get the image from the edge of the screen. How can I print the full text?

A: If this is happening, you are likely looking at a page that is divided into two or more "frames". If you are using Netscape or Internet Explorer, click once directly on the text you want to print (this lets the browser know which frame you want to print) and then choose "File | Print..." from the menu bar. The most recent versions of Internet Explorer also give you the choice of printing the entire page as it appears on screen, one frame only, or all frames individually. Just select "File | Print..." from the menu, then choose the option you want.

Q6: Why can't I send an e-mail message to the "" link?

A: The "" link is set up so that when you click it, a blank e-mail form should pop open on your screen. However, this will only work if the e-mail software installed on your computer has been set up to respond to the click.

For example, in Internet Explorer 5.0, if you select "Tools | Internet Options", click the "Programs" tab in the box that opens, and look at the "E-mail" box, you will see the name of the e-mail software that has been set to respond.

For additional help on how to set this up, please check with your ISP or systems administrator.

Remember, even if a blank e-mail form doesn't open when you click the link, you can still e-mail the CHN. Simply open your usual e-mail software, paste or type our address "" into the "To:" field, and compose and send your message as you normally would.

Q7: What is a PDF reader? Why do I need one to see some of the health information resources?

A: Most of the links on the CHN will take you to information in the most common Internet format, HTML, which all browsers can open.

Other documents on the Internet are in a format called "PDF" (Portable Document Format). To view PDF files, you need to install a special software package called Acrobat Reader, available from Adobe for free download. Downloading and installing the program is easy and only takes a few minutes. Once it's installed, you don't have to do anything else -- the reader automatically opens and displays any PDF files that you click on.

The descriptions of resources on the CHN will always tell you if a resource is in PDF format.

Last Updated: 2003-01-16

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