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Transport Canada Civil Aviation
Table of Contents
Record of Amendments
Examiner Accreditation and Responsibilities
Principles of Evaluation
Conducting the Flight Test
Pilot Permit - Ultra-light - Aeroplane
Pilot Permit - Recreational - Aeroplane
Private Pilot Licence - Aeroplane
Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane
Private and Commercial - Helicopter
Multi-Engine - Aeroplane
Instrument Rating
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Upon completion of the Flight Test Report, the examiner may provide a copy to a successful candidate or upon request to any other party named on the report. If the flight test was assessed ‘fail’, the candidate must receive a copy of the flight test report for admission to a partial flight test and to ensure that any supplementary training is applied to the correct flight test item. The examiner will keep a file copy. Copies of all flight test reports must be kept for a period of at least two years.

In the case of permits or licences, "Applications for Flight Crew Permits/Licences" (26-0194) and for multi-engine class ratings "Application for Endorsement of a Rating" (form 26-0083), are completed by Authorized Persons in accordance with the Personnel Licensing Procedures Manual.

Issuance of a Multi-engine Class Rating, an initial instrument rating, an initial flight instructor rating – ultra-light aeroplane or upgrade of a Flight Instructor Rating will only be undertaken when the following are submitted together:

Issuance of a Multi-engine Class Rating, an initial instrument rating, or upgrade of a Flight Instructor Rating will only be undertaken when the following are submitted together:

(a)  the completed "Application for Endorsement of a Rating" (form 26-0083),

(b)  the $30 fee; and

(c)  the "Flight Test Report".

“Flight Instructor Rating”, except for flight instructor rating, ultra-light aeroplane, or “Instrument Rating” renewals - the $30 fee must accompany the Flight Test Report.

Note:  To ensure proper processing, it is beneficial to use the 8-1/2 x 14 version of the “Flight Crew Permit/Licence - Application for Endorsement of a Rating form 26-0083” and "Application for Endorsement of a Rating"
(form 26-0083). Please do not copy and shrink to 8-1/2 x 11. They are harder to read and might be missed by the staff processing the documents, as they are then the same size as the flight test reports and hide behind them.

Please ensure that you staple your documents (1 staple only) together when mailing them. They may get misplaced as they go to several people during processing. Please always place the Flight Test Report on top (for scanning purposes), any additional privileges cards or other documentation next (incl. cheques), then the Application for Endorsement of a Rating last (on the bottom).

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