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Transport Canada Civil Aviation
Table of Contents
Record of Amendments
Examiner Accreditation and Responsibilities
Principles of Evaluation
Conducting the Flight Test
Pilot Permit - Ultra-light - Aeroplane
Pilot Permit - Recreational - Aeroplane
Private Pilot Licence - Aeroplane
Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane
Private and Commercial - Helicopter
Multi-Engine - Aeroplane
Instrument Rating
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A.  Documents and Airworthiness.

Ensure that questions asked are relative to the aircraft being used for the flight test.

B.  Aeroplane Performance.

The candidate may use the Pilot Operating Handbook to determine information other than essential performance speeds listed in the flight test guides as memory items.

Record the answers given to questions regarding the best angle of climb speed, best rate of climb speed, stall speed in the landing configuration and manoeuvring speed so that during the flight test, the actual speeds flown in the appropriate items may be compared. Questions relating to the Pilot Operating Handbook should be “operational” questions, particularly if the conditions of temperature, wind strength, airport elevation, etc. existing at the time of flight test can be utilized.

C.  Weight and Balance, Loading.

Make this a practical exercise and relate the weight and balance problem to the proposed flight.

The candidate should also be asked to correct an out of C of G situation, and questioned to determine understanding of extreme C of G locations and the resulting effect on aircraft handling and performance.

D.  Pre-Flight Inspection.

After the candidate has completed the pre-flight inspection, practical questions relating to the flight test aircraft should be asked. The candidate should be questioned to determine what appropriate action would be taken if an unsatisfactory item were detected during the pre-flight inspection. The failure by the candidate to visually confirm that there is sufficient fuel and oil for the actual intended flight is disqualifying and will constitute a failure of the flight test (Safety issue). It is intended that this visual check be an actual check of the tank (or tanks) as opposed to just a check of the fuel gauges. The verification of fuel and oil levels will be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations in the POH/AFM. If the aircraft design precludes a visual check, fuel chits, fuel logs, or other credible means, which in the examiner’s judgement meet the confirmation requirement, will be acceptable. The candidate is expected to conduct the oral passenger safety briefing at this time. Should the candidate omit the briefing, the examiner will ask the candidate to provide one. This situation will be assessed as a major deviation and the final assessment awarded will depend upon the quality and effectiveness of the briefing.

E.  Engine Starting and Run-up and Use of Checklists.

Check to see if the candidate uses the checklist provided for the aeroplane. If the examiner does not agree with the content of the checklist, the candidate should not be penalized. This would be an item for the examiner to discuss with the CFI of the training unit, and if necessary the Regional Superintendent - Flight Training. The checks carried out should include at least the items mentioned in the applicable POH/AFM. The candidate should be questioned at this time to determine what action would be taken if the checks revealed a problem, (e.g. excessive magneto drop, instruments not indicating a change when mixture or carburettor heat controls, etc. are selected and/or reset). The requirement to ensure correct control surface movements is imbedded in the Aim and is a mandatory part of the checks.

Note: A check of flight controls for freedom and correct movement of the corresponding control surfaces is mandatory and will be conducted before flight. Should the candidate neglect this check, the examiner will ask the candidate to perform it and a major deviation will be noted.

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