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Dressing Rooms
Dressing Rooms Dressing Rooms Dressing Rooms
Dressing Rooms
Main Plant Approximately 1,400 sq. ft.
This area is designed for smaller productions.

  • 2 dressing rooms each with bathroom
  • Makeup room with two chairs and hair wash sink.
  • Wardrobe room/Green Room with steamer, irons, etc
  • Washer and dryer
  • Production office space for five people with desks/phones
Second Level Production Office Approximately 1,200 sq. ft.
This area has three offices and one open area for production staff, workstations included.

  • 3 offices complete with workstations and telephones
  • approximately 15 workstations/phones in open area
  • DSL connectivity
North West Wing Approximately 3,600 sq. ft. trailer complex.
This area is designed to be completely independent of the main production facility.

  • six production parking spots
  • 600 sq. ft. Wardrobe room
  • 2 station makeup
  • 4 dressing rooms, 2 showers
  • 1 graphics room
  • 8 workstations in 4 offices, phones and DSL
  • Open office area for reception with several workstations/phones/DSL connectivity
  • Kitchenette
Studios Control Rooms Dressing Rooms
Video Program Delivery Standards
Graphic Design Set Design and Build
Stock Shots