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Dressing Rooms
Dressing Rooms Dressing Rooms Dressing Rooms
Dressing Rooms
10th Floor These studios (40, 41, 42), share up to:
  • 14 private dressing rooms
  • 7 extras/wardrobe rooms
  • 2 hair/makeup rooms
  • 2 green rooms
  • 4 craft rooms
6th Floor These studios (43, 65), share up to:
  • 3 private dressing rooms
  • 5 extras/wardrobe rooms
  • 1 hair/makeup room
  • 1 green room
Additional Information All private dressing rooms are equipped with a table with makeup mirror and seating area with a sofa and table. Also included is a private washroom with sink and stand-up shower.

10th floor makeup rooms have 3 bays in each room. Each bay has up to a 6-seat capacity.

6th floor makeup room has 1 bay, with a 3-4 seat capacity.

Craft rooms include a sink, refrigerator, and ample cupboard space.

All dressing rooms are individually key-coded. Every incoming production will be assigned their own unique key-code.
Studios Control Rooms Dressing Rooms Producer's Guide
Video Audio Graphic Design Program Delivery Standards