Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

QUEBEC, QUEBEC, November 30, 2007 - The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Labour and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, delivers a speech to the 35 Canadian Brigade Group as part of a visit to Quebec to pursue a national dialogue to ensure that reservists are successfully reintegrated into the Canadian work force.
Contact Us

The Labour Program welcomes your inquiries and your feedback. We will address your concerns as quickly as possible. [more]

About Us

The federal Labour Program works for you by promoting safe, healthy, cooperative and productive workplaces that benefit us all. [more]

What's New

For the latest developments on collective bargaining in Canada, see the November 29, 2007, issue of the Workplace Bulletin. [more]

See our new series - a day in the life of a Labour Affairs Officer (LAO). The LAO deals with three specialized areas: Fire Protection, Labour Standards and Occupational Health and Safety. We begin with a slice of life from one of our Fire Protection Inspectors. [more]

Did you know ...

Test your knowledge of Labour history, the workplace and international affairs. [more]