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CANUTEC is the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre operated by Transport Canada to assist emergency response personnel in handling dangerous goods emergencies. This national bilingual advisory centre was established in 1979 and is part of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate. It has the mandate to regulate the handling, offering for transport and the transport of dangerous goods by all modes in order to ensure public safety. CANUTEC is one of the major programs instituted by Transport Canada to promote public safety during movement of people and goods in Canada 

CANUTEC has set up a scientific data bank on chemicals manufactured, stored and transported in Canada and is staffed by professional scientists specialized in emergency response and experienced in interpreting technical information and providing advice. 

CANUTEC deals with some 30,000 telephone calls per year with approximately 1,000 of these that require an emergency report.


CANUTEC's data bank consists of information on more than 750,000 commercial products. The data bank is computerized with easy access to comprehensive information on individual product properties. CANUTEC also has access to a large number of industry data banks and has communication links with their emergency response centres. CANUTEC has also established communication links with emergency response centres in other countries and has access to various international organizations' data banks. This provides the CANUTEC scientists with quick access to a vast national and international resource network.

In addition to these data banks, CANUTEC has access to, among others, the following resources:

  • an extensive emergency response reference library

  • directories of Canadian and foreign chemical manufacturers, shippers and transporters

  • directories of emergency response groups across the country including public agencies both federal and provincial, medical facilities and health specialists

  • list of specialized equipment suppliers


CANUTEC's scientists, using the computerized information network accessible to them and their professional experience and knowledge, can provide immediate advice and recommend actions to be taken and those to avoid in dangerous goods emergencies.

Taking into consideration the characteristics of the dangerous goods involved and the particular conditions at the emergency site, CANUTEC's professional staff can provide immediate advice on:

  • chemical, physical and toxicological properties and incompatibilities of the dangerous goods

  • health hazards and first aid;

  • fire, explosion, spill or leak hazards;

  • remedial actions for the protection of life, property and the environment;

  • evacuation distances;

  • personal protective clothing and decontamination.

CANUTEC staff does not go to the site of an incident. Advice and information are provided by telephone. In some instances, standard information and data can also be transmitted in printed copy to the site. This complements the verbal advice and recommendations given by CANUTEC staff members. CANUTEC can also provide communication links with the appropriate industry, government or medical specialists. The shipper of the dangerous goods involved can also be linked to the site to deal with instructions on cleanup, disposal and/or recovery.

Should on-site assistance be required, CANUTEC can assist in the activation of industry emergency response plans.

Voice communications and written information are retained in confidence for two years for the protection of all parties.

CANUTEC also offers a 24-hour emergency telephone service. Shippers who wish to use CANUTEC's emergency telephone number on their dangerous goods shipping documents, must first register with CANUTEC at (613) 992-4624. In Canada, registration with CANUTEC is free of charge.


To provide a high quality service, CANUTEC scientists research and investigate developments in emergency response technologies and new information regarding dangerous goods.

The data banks and library of the Centre are kept current through scientific literature searches and through national and international data exchange agreements.

Information on individual chemical characteristics and historical data on accidents and other relevant research information involving a given chemical, is analysed to provide data for the interpretation of trends in the contingency planning and emergency response fields. Comprehensive information on the uses and limitations of data, methodologies or equipment is developed through the use of consultants and laboratories on a contract basis.

Joint international research projects are developed and undertaken.


CANUTEC staff also provides an information service on all aspects of the regulatory requirements for the handling, offering for transport and transporting of dangerous goods by all modes of transport. In fact, CANUTEC is the primary contact point for the Transport of Dangerous Goods Directorate on questions regarding transport dangerous goods regulations and chemical products. For general information CANUTEC should be reached by calling the information number (613) 992-4624, to keep the emergency telephone lines free.


Federal regulations require that CANUTEC must be contacted in the event of an incident or accident involving infectious substances. As well, provincial or municipal statutes may require reporting of dangerous goods incidents or accidents to identified authorities. IMPORTANT: calling CANUTEC for assistance does not replace the required reporting under provincial or municipal statutes or the federal requirements for written reports. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT CANUTEC

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