Flag of Canada | Drapeau du Canada Government of CanadaSymbol of the Government of Canada
Canada's Strategy
Information Kit


The Government of Canada has made the fight against overfishing, illegal fishing activities, and degradation of oceans ecosystems priorities for good reason.

The impact of overfishing on fish stocks has been severe. By UN estimates, more than 70 per cent of the world’s fisheries are already fully exploited or overexploited. In some places, catches of commercially valuable fish species may be three times greater than permitted levels due to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities.

Canada and fishing nations around the world have a vested interest in ensuring the long-term sustainability of the world’s fisheries. Fish stocks can provide important economic and health benefits to coastal communities and the world’s population at large. Globally, millions of people depend on fisheries for nutrition and/or employment.

We invite you to take some time to learn more about Canada's Strategy to deal with this pressing issue.

Chronology of Canada’s Actions to Date

The Global Impact of Overfishing

State of the Global Fishery


Last Updated: 2006-01-24

Important Notices