
Update Show

Aired on August 01, 2007 More on your favourite stories, including Wendy Mesley's "Chasing the Cancer Answer," Erica Johnson's hospital hygiene investigation and an update on our contractors story.


I would like to speak about my husband who recently past away with cancer. His form of Cancer was mesothelioma (asbestos) which could have been in his body for 35 to 40 years. My husband was a research scientist and worked in labs and refineries. He was very active in sports and enjoyed travel etc. Jim was among 200 canadians who are diagnosed yearly (not enough to cause a great concern) There is a fund available that compensates victims for aroung $17,000. That's the value of his life. What really worries me is that Asbestos is still being exported from Quebec to third world countries. I understand that as early as the 1950's the gov't was aware that asbestos was a problem but did nothing to prevent it from being absored into the market place. Personally I am very angry that my husband's life was taken due to a product that was produced and refined in Canada. They have spent millions in compensation for victims of Hep C where is there justice for the families of Mesothelioma I would certainly like to hear the government defend this. Unfortunately going forward there maybe many more victims, purhaps then someone will take responsiblity. Thanks for listening. Val MacLean Posted by: Val MacLean | Mar 14, 07 07:28 PM
My sister's boyfriend was admitted to a Toronto hospital for brain damaged due to a stroke. We visited the Forth floor were he was after the operation. I needed to go to the ladies room - WHICH BY THE WAY WE COULD NOT FIND IN THE AREA WERE HE WAS - BUT MANAGED TO FIND A WASHROOM WHICH SEEMED TO BE THE CLEANERS WASHROOM AND THAT IT WAS ALSO BEING USED BY THE VISITORS WHO WERE THERE. Well I wish I had one of those phone cameras because for a moment i thought nothing but to write to the media and bring this FILTHY washroom to be viewed by all. There were fingerprint marks on the so called soap container and paper towel sitting in the sink, Tiolet paper holder was broken and no paper to be found. the room was not clean at all. The hall way were we were waiting to see our friend was dirty - walls and floor. hardly a bed could go through without touching someone sitting waiting. I'm sorry but for a famous Hospital we were very diappointed - oh yes they had the PURELL on the walls but that doesn't help if everything you touch is overtaken with GERMS. Thanks for listening Posted by: Margaret Dahdah | Mar 14, 07 09:21 PM
I commend you for your bravery not only fighting the disease but for fighting to inform people about the potential risks -- cancer is not unbeatable with people like you helping all of us with or without cancer. Keep up the great work!!! Thank you, Kelly Posted by: Mrs. Tyrer | Mar 14, 07 09:28 PM
Wendy i would like to know if working with or with a company that has asbestos, or in a school that might have an asbestos problem - could cause cancer. Reason is that a friend of mine just found out she has breast cancer stage 2 and aggressive. She is a mother of three young boys and single. the other is a school were for some reason the two people my daughter works with also contracted cancer. is this normal or we are really looking at a hidden killer that won't go away. Posted by: Margaret Dahdah | Mar 14, 07 09:40 PM
Saw your repeat broadcast tonite. Even though I saw the original broadcast, I watched again as I now have been diagnosed with breast cancer as well. Had my first ever routine mammogram on Feb 5th and had a partial mastectomy two weeks ago. Doing pretty good -- just more concerned about my family right now. Just wanted to comment that, as of now, I haven't felt "mad" or wanted to know why. The most overwhelming thing for me, apart from my concern for my family, has been the kindness and concern and support that we have received. Phone calls, prayers, cards, food, gifts, flowers and lots of good wishes from family and friends all over the world, and especially here at home!!! It just goes to show there is so much goodness in the world!! My husband has probably only had to cook one meal in the past three weeks. Two days before I went for my surgery, a friend visited. She had a liver resection only two weeks earlier. A spot was discovered on her liver when she had a bowel resection in December for rectal cancer!! Another friend, who is on dialysis three times a week and running out of access sites, came to visit me today!! I feel like my cancer is insignificant in comparison to their situations. In so many ways, I feel blessed. I hope you were (and the countless others to come will be) as blessed when going through cancer treatment. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO ALL FOR EVERY GESTURE OF CONCERN AND FRIENDSHIP Posted by: Erin | Mar 14, 07 11:16 PM
Saw the program on the 15th of March and am anxious to learn how to get a copy of the Cancer Smart consumer Guide Posted by: Joyce Russell | Mar 15, 07 02:14 AM
With regard to lawn pesticides used for "beautifying" our lawns, the city of Vancouver has banned the used of them. Unfortunately, this ban is useless if retailers such as Rona and Home Depot continue to sell such chemicals within the city. If the application of them is not permitted then retailers within the city should not be allowed to sell them. Period. I questioned one employee last summer at a national building supply store about one of these chemicals. Her reponse was that "if you aren't allowed to use them, then (name deleted) definately wouldn't sell them." These retailers obviously don't train their employees at all because that is not the case. CBC should take a closer look at this. Posted by: catherine | Mar 15, 07 01:05 PM
Thank you for continuing to question why cancer seems to be on the rise. Your comment on cleaning products and how they are not marked if they contain harmful chemicals made me wonder about our obsession with getting rid of smells! It seems everywhere I go people have "plug-ins" or are using Febrese - both of these really bother my allergies and I can't help wondering what effect they are having of us along with other items we bring into our homes that "off gas." Until the Cancer Society is willing to put more into the prevention of cancer I find it difficult to give them a donation. With that said I do have friends who have been helped by the Society but wonder if their cancer may have been prevented rather than having to suffer the treatment. Also enjoyed your up-date on dirty hospitals. In the past B.C. hospitals were much cleaner, before they contracted out the work! Posted by: Salli Rice | Mar 15, 07 03:13 PM
I would like to know where to get a copy of the Cnacer Smart consumer Guide. Thanks Posted by: MJ Buck | Mar 15, 07 10:15 PM
Great article, and timely since I just finished reading "The China Study", by T. Colin Campbell. I think discussion on cancer prevention should include info from this book, it convinced me to make big diet changes. I also think the government should sponsor more research on how diet and environment effects cancer and other disorders. We deserve to know how to make the best choices for ourselves and our children, and who else will fund such research? Industries will evolve when consumers can make informed choices. Posted by: C. Tronnes | Mar 17, 07 10:20 PM
I would like to know where I could purchase a copy of the Cancer Smart Consumer Guide for my household. Thanks Posted by: SG MARSHALL | Mar 18, 07 11:07 AM
I wanted to let Wendy know that her story not only touched me ,but has changed my life. I went on the website for Cancer Prevention Alert and printed off a list of carcinogens.I immediately went through my house and packed up everything that a carcinogens in it.I was amazed! My family has been supportive of this transition.We have a few friends with cancer .It is such an epidemic .I am starting with my home first .Thankyou for your story .Let me know how I can help you and others win the fight ! Posted by: Darlene | Mar 19, 07 04:35 PM
Once again, congratulations on an excellent piece educating the public about toxins that our government does not seem to have much regulation. I thank you also for sharing your personal story, I wish you well Wendy. I would definitely welcome a show on asbestos- the building I work in is of the age where asbestos is likely used as insulation material. As the renovation is continuous, I worry about the protection for the workers. Thank you for excellent journalistic work! Posted by: angela chen | Mar 20, 07 09:16 PM
Where do I get a copy of the Cancer Smart Consumer Guide? I would like to know what laundry soap is safe to use. Posted by: Nancy Noakes-Morrison | Mar 21, 07 09:23 AM
Hi Wendy, Exposure to endocrine disrupters starts in Daycare!!! One does not need to chase too far for the cancer answer. My daughter is in daycare and to my horror, aside from trans fats, she is exposed to huge doses of bisphenol A (estrogen mimicker) due to the excessive use of canned food(potatoes, beans, beats,crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, soup, tuna, salmon, mandarins, pineapple, mango slices, fruit cocktail, nectarine, peach, the fruit used in muffins, puree fruit, some of the sauces, and perhaps some other that I am not aware of. Daycares charge a lot ($1400 a month) and feed "dollar store" quality food. Cooks are not cooks anymore, but can-openers/food warmers. There are many other chemical exposures: hormones and antibiotics from the UNnaturally raised animals the meat/dairy/eggs come from + mercury from tuna + pesticides + genetically modified corn and oil+ preservatives (nitrates, BHT, etc) and so on. I've brought this issue to the daycares management attention but here am I, 6 months later, and the food is still the same quality. I am still battling the issue of trans fats and canned food. Unfortunately, the daycare space crisis allows daycares to charge a lot and deliver little. Please do a story on toxic exposures in daycares. Posted by: Andreea Ionescu | Mar 23, 07 11:36 PM
Wendy: Since everyone's cancer is different, so is the treatment. In many cases, diet, exercise and determination can help. The last choice should be radiation or chemo. The least "good" info comes from MD's and the Cancer Society. The most from Holistic medicine practicioners. My wife is extremely private about her "improved" situation, but if you would like the story, keeping her name out of it, mail me. Bob Posted by: R. W. Lane | Mar 24, 07 03:23 PM
Keep up the great work. It's refreshing to see public leadership in those issues. Ruby P-C Posted by: R. Paddock-Colbourne | Mar 24, 07 09:06 PM
I had a brain tumor removed Sept/05 and after all the radiation and chemo I'm doing okay for now. But I've always wondered with all the billions of dollars that has been spent on research,the best there is, is zapping you with something that causes cancer and chemo which is toxic to your body. I'm happy to be alive but all through this journey I've been wondering if we're all lab rats. That's all I have to say except that you got stones for facing it the way you are. Posted by: dan courvoisier | May 22, 07 08:59 AM
Hi watching chasing the cancer answers was a huge eye opener for me and my husband, we ofcourse both have a lot of cancer in both our families and we knew something was not right. Why all of a sudden had this disease started hitting almost everyone. When we sat down and really thought about it we could not think of one person we knew that didn't know someone with cancer, how scary is that. We decided it was time to make a chnage in our own home and try to help others see the dangers and convert their homes to safer products. We now shop with a wonderful company that sells naturally based products, no chemicals or toxins, and I know my home is safe for my family, for my animals and for the environement. I've helped many people convert their homes to safer products aswell, please feel free to ask my how you can do this in your home too. Lets all stand together and show the big companies out there that we are changing and if they won't change with us we will shop elsewhere. We all deserve to live happy healthy lives. Thanks for listening... Erin - Brossard, Quebec Posted by: Erin Mulvaney | May 30, 07 10:27 AM
Watching Wendy Mesley's documentary changed my life forever and I will NEVER go back. THANK YOU! Posted by: Aaron Reid | Jun 26, 07 10:43 PM
As a Patient of St. Micheal's Family practice I can admit I was very shocked at the thought that I may be at risk because my docter may not wash his hands. Thanks for this episode as I will be asking any health care worker to do so befroe they touch me OR my child. Thanks again Posted by: Brittany Cameron | Aug 4, 07 08:06 PM
Do you have cancer or are you worried about getting cancer. Go to Google and type in Cancer and vitamin b17. Vitamin b17 is also known as Laetrile. Read all you can about this vitamin and also watch the videos called #1 A world without Cancer and #2 The Science and Politics of Cancer. This is shocking. There is a cure for cancer but certain people are trying to keep this quite and its all about the money. Maybe Wendy will check this out and have a program on it. You decide for yourself what you want to do about this information. Posted by: William Brinklow | Aug 6, 07 02:24 PM
Thank you for your informative shows and Thank you Wendy for "Chasing The Cancer"!!! I want to see the government explain why there are so many unnecessary chemicals allowed in our food to aid the corporations (shelf life) that cause us all medical problems, yet the government whines about the medical system when they know the need for medical coverage is only going to grow. I want to see accountability from our government! It's time we not only clean up the environment but also our foods which are needed for survival. Both equally! I hope you continue to disclose the facts of the additives in our food sources!!! Using smoking as an excuse for all, is no longer acceptable! Most of the chemicals added into our foods and meats did not exist a mere 30 years ago! Cancer was not at the same rate either 30 years ago and it is only going to continue to grow in our population. It's not rocket science. Thank you for all of your hard work!!!! Posted by: T. Evans | Aug 7, 07 11:17 AM
I watched the show about cancer and was shocked. Now I'm hearing about Aspartame as a poison & cause of MS, brain cancer etc. Have you had a show about this or do you intend to in the fall? We certainly are kept in the dark by many governments. Thanks for all of your work. I do hope you beat the cancer & live a long and happy life. Jean Posted by: Jean Chapple | Aug 13, 07 04:00 PM
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