J and J BBQ

by dubchild 1 month ago

Comments have been made in the Adamson thread, but it probably deserves its own. No doubt comparisons will be made a...


pourboi commented 5 minutes ago

can I use hominy to make nixtamal?

by foodfirst 10 years ago

I live in a country barren of corn tortillas. A possible sop for my craving: one of the Bayless books has a recipe fo...


Madrid commented 6 minutes ago

What are you baking these days? August edition!

by buttertart 7 days ago

So here it is August already. My birthday is this month so I will doubtless spend ages deciding what cake to make fo...


smilingal commented 8 minutes ago

Question for the community about service in general and specifically re: Mike's Bistro

by cappucino 5 days ago

This is long, but I was hoping that someone who eats out often in the city would clarify for me whether I am being ov...

rnh17 commented 10 minutes ago

Weekend eats in MA and RI and…POTUS and FLOTUS

by digga 4 hours ago

Title might be a bit overblown but I'm still excited! Tuesday I got laid-off so I promptly met B and his colleague...


Madrid commented 25 minutes ago

Help me narrow my choices

by PH Rodgers 13 days ago

We have booked a visit to Paris in mid-October -- our first visit in some five years. We likely will have time for f...

John Talbott commented 29 minutes ago

Trader Joe's - YAY/MEH/NAY Thread August 2016

by fldhkybnva 8 days ago

It’s August…already? The last days of summer are in the near future and kids will be headed back to school soon. Neve...


John Francis commented 29 minutes ago

Light and summery spaghetti recipes?

by blkery 18 hours ago

I have a bunch of spaghetti stockpiled and it's too hot for meat sauce. I've tried doing seafood spaghetti before but...


NiliPetkal commented 39 minutes ago

Japan Trip (Tokyo, Kyoto, Naoshima, Hiroshima) - the best below the very best?

by philie 28 days ago

Dear Chows! I have read extensively by now and still i would like to ask you for your comments! Beginning of septemb...

od_sf commented 1 hour ago

Smoking a whole turkey

by nuraman00 1 month ago

I have an Emson Pressure Smoker which I've used for a few years, for smoking in general (whole chicken, etc.). I al...

Civil Bear commented 1 hour ago

Weekly Menu Plans - August 2016

by MidwesternerTT 15 days ago

Peaches. Sweet Corn. Birthday Cakes. State Fair Food. Let's use this thread to share concise weekly dinner menus ...

pistachio peas commented 1 hour ago

Why do you love your food processor?

by AMM2008 4 hours ago

I'm in the market for a new food processor. What do you have and why do you love it/not love it? ATK says Cuisinart m...

Pirendeus commented 1 hour ago


by juan_tastic 20 hours ago

I and a foodie colleague had a chance to sample both YASU and ZEN one week apart. Here’s my review and opinions. F...


Sadistick commented 1 hour ago

South of France

by VivianD 1 hour ago

We will be spending 5 weeks in the South of France this Fall and are looking for recommendations in Arles, Avignon, A...

mangeur commented 1 hour ago

Where to get cakes without icing/frosting?

by indiefoodie 4 days ago

Hello, I tried to search for this but couldn't find anything (apologies if this has already been discussed) but does ...


indiefoodie commented 1 hour ago

What's for Dinner #394 (August 2016) - The Millions of Peaches Edition

by ChristinaMason 8 days ago

Sinking your teeth into a sweet peach so ripe the juices cascade down your chin and elbow - is there anything that sa...


mike0989 commented 1 hour ago

Thanksgiving Dinner & Special Dinner in Phoenix

by busterfood 17 days ago

We are staying at the Marriott Canyon Villas at Desert Ridge in Phoenix the week of Thanksgiving. We will be celebrat...


busterfood commented 2 hours ago

Asparagus serving/cooking utensil help?

by ThomasGault 1 day ago

Hi, What utensil do people use to serve or cook asparagus? Special tongs? A fork? Fingers? There don't seem to be ...


travelerjjm commented 2 hours ago

Post-Proposal Restaurant Suggestions

by nolabound 23 days ago

I'm planning to propose to my girlfriend (not at a restaurant), but I was looking for the best/most romantic restaura...


hazelhurst commented 2 hours ago

August 2016 Cookbook of the Month: SWEET MYRTLE AND BITTER HONEY by Efisio Farris

by Allegra_K 8 days ago

This edition of the COTM brings us to the exciting cuisine of Sardinia, and with it an assortment of new ingredients ...

jen kalb commented 2 hours ago

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